عثمان بن عفان - Bani Khidrah

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FJ75+FR7 عثمان بن عفان، Bani Khidrah, Medina 42311, Saudi Arabia

Postal code : 42311
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FJ75+FR7 عثمان بن عفان، Bani Khidrah, Medina 42311, Saudi Arabia
‫حداد المدينه المنوره للمضلات والسواتر (مضلات وسواتر)‬‎ on Google

مكان مقدس
Holy place
فريال محمد on Google

مسجد سيدنا عثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه ثالث الخلفاء الراشدين
Mosque of our master Othman bin Affan, may God be pleased with him, the third adult caliph
Mohammed Moallem on Google

مسجد ذو النورين عثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه وأرضاه.
Dhul-Nurin Othman Bin Affan Mosque, may God be pleased with him and satisfied with him.

Masjid named by famous Sahaba E Rasul (Sallallahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wasallam..) Usman Ibn 'Affan Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu...
Masjid named by famous Sahaba E Rasul (Sallallahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wasallam ..) Usman Ibn 'Affan Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu ...
الزبيرمحمد طه on Google

عثمان بن عفَّان الأموي القرشي ثالث الخلفاء الراشدين، وأحد العشرة المبشرين بالجنة، ومن السابقين إلى الإسلام. يكنى ذا النورين لأنه تزوج اثنتين من بنات الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم ، حيث تزوج من رقية ثم بعد وفاتها تزوج من أم كلثوم. كان عثمان أول مهاجر إلى أرض الحبشة لحفظ الإسلام ثم تبعه سائر المهاجرين إلى أرض الحبشة. ثم هاجر الهجرة الثانية إلى المدينة المنورة. وكان رسول اللَّه يثق به ويحبه ويكرمه لحيائه وأخلاقه وحسن عشرته وما كان يبذله من المال لنصرة المسلمين ، وبشّره بالجنة كأبي بكر وعمر وعلي وبقية العشرة، وأخبره بأنه سيموت شهيداً. بويع عثمان بالخلافة بعد الشورى التي تمت بعد وفاة عمر بن الخطاب سنة 23 هـ ، وقد استمرت خلافته نحو اثني عشر عاماً. تم في عهده جمع القرآن وعمل توسعة للمسجد الحرام وكذلك المسجد النبوي، وفتحت في عهده عدد من البلدان وتوسعت الدولة الإسلامية، فمن البلدان التي فتحت في أيام خلافته أرمينية وخراسان وكرمان وإفريقية وقبرص. وقد أنشأ أول أسطول بحري إسلامي لحماية الشواطئ الإسلامية من هجمات البيزنطيين.كان ذلك في يوم الجمعة الموافق 18 من شهر ذي الحجة سنة 35 هـ، وعمره اثنتان وثمانون سنة، ودفن في البقيع بالمدينة المنورة.
Othman bin Affan, the Umayyad Qurashi, the third of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs, and one of the ten missionaries of Paradise, and one of the predecessors to Islam. He was nicknamed Dhul-Nourain because he married two of the Prophet's daughters, may God bless him and grant him peace, where he married Ruqayyah and then after her death he married Umm Kulthum. Uthman was the first immigrant to the land of Abyssinia to preserve Islam, then all the other immigrants followed him to the land of Abyssinia. Then he emigrated the second migration to Medina. And the Messenger of God trusted him, loved him, and honored him for his modesty, morals, good behavior, and the money he spent to support the Muslims. He gave him the good tidings of Paradise like Abu Bakr, Omar, Ali and the rest of the ten, and told him that he would die a martyr. Othman was pledged allegiance to the caliphate after the shura, which took place after the death of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab in the year 23 AH, and his caliphate lasted about twelve years. During his reign, the Qur’an was collected and expanded for the Grand Mosque as well as the Prophet’s Mosque, and a number of countries were opened during his reign and the Islamic state expanded. Among the countries that opened during the days of his caliphate were Armenia, Khorasan, Kerman, Ifriqiya and Cyprus. He established the first Islamic naval fleet to protect the Islamic shores from the attacks of the Byzantines. That was on Friday, the 18th of Dhul-Hijjah, 35 AH, and he was eighty-two years old. He was buried in Al-Baqi' in Medina.
Muslimatul Faiqoh on Google

Masjid Utsman bin Affan terletak tidak jauh dari masjid Nabawi di Madinah. Dari masjid nabawi cukup berjalan, bisa keluar dari arah pemakaman Baqi'. Masjid yang bersejarah ini konon pada zaman dahulu kala merupakan rumah kediaman sayyidina Usman bin Affan, yang kemudian didirikan masjid disitu untuk mengenang beliau. Masjid ini terletak di pinggir jalan di depan sebuah taman kecil yang indah.
The Uthman bin Affan Mosque is located not far from the Nabawi mosque in Medina. From the Nabawi mosque it is quite a walk, can get out of the direction of the Baqi 'cemetery. This historic mosque is said to be a long time ago the home of Sayyidina Usman bin Affan, who later founded the mosque there to commemorate him. The mosque is located on a side street in front of a beautiful small park.
ismail Talipoglu on Google

Hz.Osman Camii: Medine'nin en işlek Caddesi kenarında... Camii kenarında ana yolun yanında,çok büyük bir köprü/üst geçit var... Dört Büyük Halife'den Hz.Osman'ın ismini taşıyor...Allah kendilerinden razı olsun!.. Yerleri Cennet olsun!... Yeterli büyüklükte,kubbeli bir mescid... Minaresiz olarak inşa edilmiş!... Medine'nin en eski mescidilerinden... Mscid-i Ghamamah'ye yaklaşık 400m.mesafede... 3+3+1=7 tane Giriş-Çıkış kapısı mevcut... ... In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, the Merciful. Allah is the One. Allah is One God. Allah is the Modest. Allah is the Eternally Living. Allah is the Self Subsisting; the Sustainer of All. Allah is the Heir; the Inheritor of All. Allah is the Dominant; the King . Allah is the King; the Sovereign. Allah is the Owner; the Master. Allah is the Master of Kings. Allah is the Glorious. Allah is the Most Holy and Exalted. Allah is the Peace ; the Giver of Peace and Security. Allah is the Truth; the Reality. Allah is the Clear and Self Evident. Allah is the Most Powerful; the Strong. Allah is the Firm; the Strong;the Steadfast. Allah is the All Able. Allah is the Capable; the Able. Allah is the All Determiner; the Dominant. Allah is the Creator and Originator of everything. There's no God but Allah. Hz.Muhammed is the Slave of Allah and the Messenger of Allah. We believe in the Oneness of Allah. We believe in Allah and the Messengers of Allah , the Angels of Allah, the Books of Allah, in the Last Day and the Qadar. We are Muslims.Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Glory be to Allah!.. Allah is the Most High, the Most Great!. Praise be to Allah!.. Peace of Allah be on you!. May Allah accept your hajj!... May Allah accept your invocations!.. May Allah accept your Worship!.. May Allah forgive you!.. May Allah forgive us!..
Nabil Farooqi on Google

Historic mosque named after Uthman ibn Affan RA.

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