Saudi female driving school - King Khalid International Airport

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Contact Saudi female driving school

Address :

King Khalid International Airport, Riyadh 13415, Saudi Arabia

Postal code : 13415
Categories :

King Khalid International Airport, Riyadh 13415, Saudi Arabia
Rania Alhazmi on Google

كانت اسوأ تجربة مع الفاحصة اسمها عبير بنات انصحكم نصيحة ترفضون انها تخبر قيادتكم ، ماعنده لا ذمة ولا ضمير ونفسها بخشمها وتغلطك غصب وماتتعامل الا بخانة الرسوب التلقائي ، نسيت اسم عائلتها الله لا يوفقها ولا يبيحها ، شعرها بني وتحط الطرحه على اكتافها وعبايتها مفتوحه تمشي مشية رجال .
The worst experience with the reviewer named Abeer Banat advise you advice that you refuse to tell your leadership, with no mind and no conscience, and with the same bashmah, and you get caught up in it, but only with automatic retraining, I forgot her last name, God does not make her happy, her hair is brown and the offer is on her shoulders and open. .
مجنن on Google

حسبي الله عليهم ... الفاحصة اللي اختبرتني اعطتني ٣٠ ساعة بالرغم من اني اتقنت اغلب المهارات وحسبي الله الله لايوفقها
God suffices them ... the examiner who tested me gave me 30 hours, although I mastered most of the skills, and God forbid God will not grant them.
R A on Google

حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل انا متمكنه من السواقه ولي15سنه اسوق وكنت بامريكا وجيت اخذ رخصه وكانت الفاحصه بنت حرام لا ذمه ولا ضمير كنا معاها3 وكنت اخر وحده وعرفت من بدايه ماحركت السياره قالت انتي وين تدربتي قلت كنت بامريكا لي 15سنه قالت ماشاء الله واضح مالقت عليه اي خطاء المهم قالت لنا اذا قلت لكم شي نفذوه حتى لو خطاء ماراح اخذلكم اثاريها توقعنا في الفخ الله ينصرنا عليها تخيلو عطتني30ساعه والله لو كنت ما اعرف اشغل السيارة لكن ربي بينصرني قريب كان اسمها نجلاء وللاسف نسيت اسم عائلتها
God suffices, and yes, the agent. I am able to drive and I have 15 years of driving, and I was in America, and I came to take his licenses, and the examiner was a girl forbidden, not guilty or conscience. We were with her 3 and I was last alone and I knew from the beginning what the car drove. What is important, she told us, if I tell you something, do it, even if it is wrong, I will not let you down. We expected it to be in the trap, may God grant us victory over it. Imagine it would give me 30 hours. By God, if I did not know I would operate the car, but my Lord would help me soon.
M. Aldakheel on Google

دراسه نظري مالها داعي كانت مضيعه للمال والوقت وبعدين قياده تجريبية نفس شي ..كلهم يكتبون ساعتين وهي أصلا ساعه.. دراسه عملي مفيده بس مشكله اذا جيتي متاخر يستعملون مدربتك لاحد ثاني حتى لو قلتي انا بطريق..بالاحرى بدل ما يقولن للمتدربات الي مدربتهم غايبه لا تجون ياخذون مدربتكم..تجربتي سيئه ..صحيح مدربات محترمات لكن لم استفد منهم شيء
Theoretical study is not necessary, it was a waste of money and time, and then an experimental leadership. The same thing .. they all write two hours, which is originally an hour .. a useful practical study, but a problem if I come late, they use your coach for a second one, even if you said I am on the way .. rather, instead of what they say to the trainees to their coach You don’t take your trainer .. My experience is bad .. Correct female coaches, but I didn’t benefit anything from them.
Amal Z on Google

المدرسه السعوديه تنظيمكم رائع وعملكم جبار استمرو للافضل فالمدربه تهاني الغامدي ++ ممتازة ومتمكنه من اساسيات التدريب والتوجيه وقمه في الاخلاق والفاحصه الاستاذه الهام الغامدي ممتازة وقمه بالاخلاق تشجع الطالبه قبل البدء بالاختبار و استفدت من المحاضرة المميزة نسرين الاغا وحظيت بفرصه التعرف على المشرفات و مقيمات المدربات المشرفه السيده بشرا البلوشي من الباكستان والمشرفه لوسي من سرلاينكا جدا مميزات وقد استفدت من توجيهاتهم وموظفة خدمة العملاء البندري متعاونه جدا وكذلك موظفات المرور جميعهم ومنهم المميزة الاستاذة منال السحيباني mrs Tahany ALGhamdi is an excellent Driving trainer and profitional, Ms ALHam ALGhamdi is an excellent Driving Examiner , The lecturer Ms Nesren ALAgah also excellent Actualy I had chance to meet both Ms bashrah ALBoloshi &Ms losee the supervisor off the trainers a had chance to learn some important point from them actually I am very happy also Ms Albanderee the customer services she is v cooperative and all the clinic & reception staff who I meet were profitional
Saudi school organization wonderful and work Jabbar continue to the best The trainer Tahani Al-Ghamdi ++ excellent and able to the basics of training and guidance in the ethics and the examiner Professor Hamam Al-Ghamdi excellent reputation and ethics encourages the student before the start of the test and benefited from the lecture distinguished Nisreen Aga and was given the opportunity to identify the supervisors and residents of trainers supervisor Bashra Balushi from Pakistan and supervisor Lucy from Sarlanka Very features and I benefited from their guidance and the customer service staff Al-Bandari is very helpful as well as the traffic employees, all of whom are distinguished Professor Manal Al-Suhaibani is an excellent driving trainer and professional, Ms ALHam ALGhamdi is an excellent Driving Examiner, The lecturer Ms Nesren ALAgah also excellent Actualy I had chance to meet both Ms bashrah ALBoloshi & Ms losee the supervisor off the trainers A had chance to learn some important point from them actually I am very happy also Ms Albanderee the customer services she is v cooperative and all the clinic & reception staff who I meet were professional
N Nona on Google

نصيحه لكم ولاوحده تسجل في هذه المدرسه السيئه اللي كلها واسطات وهدفها التكسب المادي فقط فقط فقط انا بعد انا دفعت ٢٤٠٠ ريال قالوا لي انتظري بنتصل عليك وبعدها جعلوني انتظر سنه ونص ! ولما اتصلت عليهم اسالهم طلعوا ناسيني ! توهم يحجزون لي نظري وعطوني موعد بعد ٤ شهور ! وبعدها انتظرت ٤ شهور ثانيه عشان يجي دوري في العملي ! ولما خلصت العملي لم استطع حجز اختبار الرخصه الا بعد اسبوعين بحجة ان ((السيستم عطلان ))..! تخيلوا اروح مشوار عندها بجانب المطار تقول الحجز مو عندنا اتصلي على الرقم الموحد اتصل وانلطع على الخط اقل شي ١٥ الى ٢٠ دقيقه على باب ماترد حضرتها تقول روحي للجامعه الحجز من عندهم !!التعامل جدا سيء من الاداراه الى الفاحصات اللي الوحده منهم تتعمد تستفزك وتشغلك اثناء اختبار الرخصه عشان ترسبك وتعطيك درسين زياده مع دفع مبلغ اضافي مايقارب ٥٠٠ ريال عن كل مره رسوب ! وطبعا اذا رسبتي ورحتي تحجزين تتمرمطين ثانيه بحجه السيستم واذا لقيتي وحده تحجز لك تعالي شوفي التعامل مكشره وتنافخ عليك كانك جايه تدرسين عندها ببلاش انا بعد ان رسبوني للمره الثانيه لسبب تافه جدا لم اجد اي احد يساعدني بل بالعكس متفقين على كلمه واحد السائق المتمكن مايغلط ! الله اكبر عليكم حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل في كل ظالم وظالمه اللي تحب نفسها تسجل في مدرسه ثانيه والا بتتمرمطين مثلي وبياخذون فلوسك وبتتعبين روحه وجيه مشوار طويل وبنزين وبالاخير بتطيحين في وحده لاذمه ولاضمير تتعمد توترك عشان ترسبك المره الاولى قالت لي الفاحصه انتي سريعه والمره الثانيه لمًا هديت قالت الفاحصه الثانيه انتي بطيئه ! يعني ادور اي حجه عشان ترسبك واذا قلتي اي شي قالت لاااااا الكاميرا اللي في السياره مسجله كل شي ! حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل مافيه تقدير لظروف الناس بالاضافه الى تاخير رواتب المدربات يعني وحده ماتاخذ راتب وكارفين جدها كيف بتدرب مثل الناس !
Advice to you, and no one is registered in this bad school, which is all mediators, and its goal is only financial gain. Only after I paid 2400 riyals, they told me to wait, we will call you, and then they made me wait for a year and a half! When I called them, I asked them, they left my people! They book my eyesight and give me an appointment after 4 months! Then I waited another 4 months for my turn to come to work! And when I finished my work, I was not able to book the license test until two weeks later, on the pretext that “the system is out of order”..! Imagine I go for a ride next to the airport. She says, “The reservation is not with us.” Call the unified number. Call and get on the line. At least 15 to 20 minutes. At the door. You don’t want to. She says, “My soul to the university, book from them!! The treatment is very bad, from the administration to the examiners, which one of them deliberately provokes and distracts you during the process.” The license test to fail you and give you two more lessons with an additional payment of approximately 500 riyals for each time you fail! And of course, if you fail and go to book, you will be booked again under the pretext of the system, and if you find someone who is booking for you, come see the deal, grimace and blow up on you as if you were coming to study, then for free. I after they failed me for the second time for a very trivial reason. God is greater than you Suffice God and yes agent in every unjust and unjust The one who loves herself will enroll in a second school, or else you will go to school like me, and they will take your money and tire his soul, for a long ride and petrol, and in the end, you will be defeated by a single person for guilt and conscience. I mean, make any excuse to fail you, and if you said anything, she said no, the camera in the car recorded everything! God suffices me and He is the best agent. There is no appreciation for people’s circumstances In addition to the delay in the salaries of the trainers, I mean that only she will take a salary, and Karvin is her grandfather, how can she train like people!
NS G on Google

اولا: تحجزين تقييم مستوى ثانياً : بيحددون لك ٦ ساعات او ١٢ او ٣٠ على حسب مهارتك و تدفعين الرسوم عندهم في المقر بالبطاقة ما فيه كاش ثالثاً : اذا عندك ساعات نظري لازم تخلصينها اول و تختبرين فيها و تنجحين عشان تحجزين للعملي و بعد ما تخلصين تدريب العملي تحجزين لاختبار الرخصه أخيراً : سوي الفحص الطبي في مقرهم او برا و ادفعي رسوم استخراج الرخصه و اذا نجحتي في الاختبار العملي روحي لمبنى المرور في الجامعه و يطبعونها لك مباشره طبعاً عندهم مشكلتين ١. طول المواعيد ٢. بعض المدربات تنفعل بسرعه و تصارخ عليك و تعاملك كأنك متقنه القياده و بعضهم بكل امانه رائعات و راقيات و تعاملهم لطيف جداً الله يسعد ا. خلود البارقي وين ما راحت كمان الفاحصات في الاختبار النهائي بعضهم سمح و لطيف جداً و بعضهم .... !
First, you book a level assessment Second: They assign you 6, 12 or 30 hours according to your skill, and you pay the fees with them at the headquarters with the card. There is no cash. Third: If you have theoretical hours, you must finish them first and test them and succeed in order to book for the work And after you finish the practical training, you book for the license test Finally: Do the medical examination at their headquarters or by land and pay the license fee, and if you pass the practical test, go to the traffic building at the university, and they print it for you directly. Of course they have two problems 1. Length of appointments 2. Some of the coaches get excited quickly and yell at you and treat you as if you are a master of leadership, and some of them are honestly wonderful and classy, ​​and their treatment is very nice. May God be pleased with you. Kholoud Al-Barqi, where did you go? The female examiners are also in the final exam, some of them are very generous and some of them...!
Abdulaziz AlSalman on Google

Worst place ever, going there is like a nightmare, waiting time could reach 6 to 8 months and you will pay couple thousands riyals to get tested and get your driving license, where in the world this could happen. too bad

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