Qishlah Palace - Al Mahattah

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Contact Qishlah Palace

Address :

Al Mahattah, Hail 55424, Saudi Arabia

Postal code : 55424
Categories :

Al Mahattah, Hail 55424, Saudi Arabia
Adel Samarkandi on Google

قلعة قديمة بنت فى عصر الملك عبد العزيز رحمة اللة.
An old castle built in the era of King Abdulaziz, God’s mercy.
Fahd ALshammri on Google

من اقدم المعالم موجوده في منطقة حايل
One of the oldest landmarks in the Hail area
MMMAMMM1 .1 on Google

روعه المكان فن معماري جميل جدا ادق تفاصيله حلوه تمنيت لو قدرنا ندخل جوا ونشوف الجمال والدقه اكثر مررره فنانين صراحه
The magnificence of the place is a very beautiful architecture, the details of which are sweet I wished we were able to go inside and see the beauty and accuracy more often, artists frankly
Ghazi Al jazaa on Google

يقع قصر القشلة في وسط حائل، في قلب المنطقة المركزية. ويعد أهم المزارات السياحية في منطقة حائل يعود أصل كلمة "القشلة" إلى الكلمة التركية "قيشلة" (بالتركية: Kışla) والتي تعني المعسكر الشتوي، واستخدم العثمانيون الكلمة للإشارة إلى قلاع الجنود ومكان إقامتهم. القلعة مبنية من الطين وتأخذ الشكل المستطيل. تمتد طولاً من الشرق إلى الغرب بطول 241 متراً، وعرضاً من الشمال إلى الجنوب بعرض 141 متراً.يتكون القصر من دورين. حيث يحتوي الدور الأرضي على 83 غرفة بالإضافة للقبب، ويحتوي الدور العلوي على 59 غرفة بالإضافة إلى مباني الخدمات الأخرى. وجميع هذه الغرف تطل على ساحة القصر، وفي زواياه أربعة أبراج مربعة الشكل.[1] في منتصف الأسوار توجد أربعة أبراج أيضاً تسمى بالأبراج الساندة ويبلغ ارتفاع الأبراج الثمانية 12 متراً.للمبنى مدخلان الرئيسي منهما موجود في الواجهة الشرقية وبه عدة زخارف والآخر في الجهة الجنوبية وهو المستخدم للدخول.
Qasr Al Qashla is located in the center of Hail, in the heart of the central region. It is the most important tourist attraction in the Hail region The word “Qishla” originates from the Turkish word “Qishla” (in Turkish: Kışla), which means winter camp. The Ottomans used the word to refer to the soldiers ’fortresses and their place of residence. The castle is built of mud and has a rectangular shape. It extends from east to west with a length of 241 meters, and from north to south with a width of 141 meters, the palace consists of two floors. The ground floor contains 83 rooms in addition to the domes, and the upper floor contains 59 rooms in addition to other service buildings. All of these rooms overlook the palace square, and in its corners are four square towers. [1] In the middle of the walls there are four towers, also called retaining towers, and the height of the eight towers is 12 meters. The building has two main entrances, one of which is on the eastern facade and has several decorations and the other is on the southern side, which is used for entry.

قصر القشلة يعتبر من المعالم التراثيه بالمنطقه ويوحي لنا روعة الطراز العمراني القديم?
Al-Qishla Palace is one of the heritage monuments in the region and suggests to us the splendor of the old urban style
khaled n on Google

قصر القشلة هو قصر تاريخي بني في عهد الملك عبد العزيز آل سعود في سنة 1360 للهجرة / 1941 للميلاد في مدينة حائل.[1] استمر بناء القصر سنةً ونصف، ثم أضيف إليه المسجد ومبنى السجن وبعض الملحقات الأخرى والتي انتهى بناؤها في 1362 للهجرة.[1]
Al-Qashla Palace is a historical palace built during the reign of King Abdulaziz Al Saud in the year 1360 AH / 1941 AD in the city of Hail [1]. The construction of the palace continued for a year and a half, then the mosque, the prison building and some other annexes were added to it, the construction of which was completed in 1362 AH.[1]
Antonio Coelho on Google

Construído nos anos 40 do séc. XX CE pelo rei Abdul Aziz teve por objetivo a defesa da cidade, tendo para além da guarnição de soldados, um depósito de armas e artilharia. Não é claro, porque apenas se pode ver do exterior, o destino que atualmente é dado aos cerca de 142 quartos do palácio que tem ainda no seu interior uma mesquita a céu aberto.
Built in the 40's of the century. XX CE by King Abdul Aziz aimed to defend the city, having in addition to the garrison of soldiers, a deposit of weapons and artillery. It is not clear, because you can only see from the outside, the destination that is currently given to the approximately 142 rooms of the palace, which still has an open-air mosque inside.
Riyadh Alrajoub on Google

Excellent location and wonderful services from the best cadres in the area I advise everyone to visit soon

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