4.5/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

3010, 8407, Jarham, Mecca 24233, Saudi Arabia

Postal code : 24233
Categories :

3010, 8407, Jarham, Mecca 24233, Saudi Arabia

Bersama rombongan haji jawabarat kami dapat tempat di hotel ini, memang jaraknya tidak terlalu jauh untuk ke masjid harom berjalan kaki, kami dapat kamar di lantai 12 sekamar 4orang lumayan sesak dengn tempat tidur single berjejer 4 untung ada lemari tempat pakaian jadi koper koper besar kami bisa disimpan diatasnya tuk menghindari sesaknya kamar... Yang kurang disini kebersihanya kamar jarang dibersihkan untung di pojokan gedung ada terlihat sapu jadi kalau sudah terasa ga nyaman mulailah kami bersih bersih lalu tuk alas kasur handuk digantinya seminggu sekli ?? ga tau lah apa emang kebijakan hotel atau emang sudah perjanjian antar pemerintahah. Di lantai 13 kami bisa nyuci karena emang Lama tinggal di makkah Dan banyak tempat untuk menjrmur kami pada bawa tambang tuk tempat jemuran. Nah karena emang udara panas sekali g sampai sejam tuk jemuran dah kering panas kaya habis di setrika tp ga licin. He he.. Office boynya sih baik banget Dan ramah cuma kurang bersih saja kerjanya apa mungkin karena 1lantai 1 orang. Disekita hotel kalu kita pengen jajan makanan indo bnyak sekali sampau ada banyak mini market Indonesia.. Kalau pengen lauk matang masakan Indonesia tinggal jalan nyebrang dab belok kiri ada disitu sampai baksobdan mie ayam jug ada. Kalau pengen nyoba masakan setempat juga banyak ada resto Pakistan jug yang beraroma kari...
Together with our Hajj group, we got a place in this hotel, the distance is not too far to go to the Harom mosque on foot, we got a room on the 12th floor room 4 people are quite congested with a single bed lined up 4 Fortunately there is a wardrobe where clothes can be used as a large suitcase stored on top of it to avoid the tightness of the room ... What is lacking here is the cleanliness of the room is rarely cleaned luckily in the corner of the building there is a broom look so if it feels uncomfortable then we clean clean then change the base of the towel to replace the towel a week before you do not know what the hotel policy or indeed an intergovernmental agreement. On the 13th floor we were able to wash because we had lived in Mecca and there were many places to sell us to bring the mine to the clothesline. Well, because it's really hot air, it takes up to an hour to dry in the clothes and the heat is very hot, but it just runs out of the iron, but it's not slippery. He he .. Office boy really good and friendly just not clean enough it works maybe because of 1 floor 1 person. When we are in the hotel, we want to eat indo snacks a lot, until there are many Indonesian mini markets. If you want to cook Indonesian dishes, you just have to cross the road and turn left, until you find baksob and chicken noodles. If you want to try local cuisine, there are also many Pakistani restaurants that smell like curry ...
Iis Rodiah on Google

Good services
Mellyna Purwanto on Google

Oka Fabian on Google

New furnished hotel
Fahmi Ridho on Google

Very good
Zaky Zain on Google

Good place for hajj pilgrim
Mehdi Hasan on Google

It is close now due to covid 19
Yusuf Adam on Google

The view from the window is awesome

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