مسجد محمد العريفي - As Suwaidi Al Gharabi

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مسجد محمد العريفي، 3830 Al Bayaa, As Suwaidi Al Gharabi, Riyadh 12993, Saudi Arabia

Postal code : 12993
Categories :

مسجد محمد العريفي، 3830 Al Bayaa, As Suwaidi Al Gharabi, Riyadh 12993, Saudi Arabia
mogahed alsuki on Google

فوائد الصلاة على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم . اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد، اللهم بارك على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما باركت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد . 1_ امتثال أمر الله سبحانه وتعالي بالصلاة عليه. 2_ موافقة ملائكته فيها. 3_ موافقه سبحانه وتعالي في الصلاة عليه وان اختلفت الصلاتان 4_ حصول عشرة صلوات على المصلي عليه مرة. 5_ أنه يرفع عشر درجات. 6_ أنه يكتب له عشر حسنات. 7_ أنه يمحي عنه عشر سيئات. 8_ أنه يرجى اجابة دعائه اذا قدم الصلاة على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أمامه. 9_ أنها سبب لشفاعته صلى الله عليه وسلم. 10_ أنها سبب لغفران الذنوب. 11_ أنها سبب لكفاية الله العبد مأهمه. 12_ أنها سبب لقرب العبد منه صلى الله عليه وسلم يوم القيامه. 13_ أنها تقوم مقام الصدقه لذي العسرة. 14_ أنها سبب لقضاء الحوائج. 15_ أنها سبب لصلاة الله على المصلي وصلاة ملائكته عليه. 16_ أنها زكاة للمصلي وطهارة له . 17_ أنها سبب لتبشير العبد بالجنه قبل موته. 18_ أنها سبب للنجاة من أهوال يوم القيامه . 19_ أنها سبب لرد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم على المصلي عليه. 20_ أنها سبب لتذكر العبد مانسيه. 21_ أنها سبب لطيب المجلس وان لا يعود حسرة على اهله يوم القيامه. 22_ أنها سبب لنفي الفقر. 23_ أنها تنفي عن العبد اسم البخل اذا صلى عليه عند ذكره صلى الله عليه وسلم. 24_ أنها ترمي صاحبها على طريق الجنه. 25_ أنها تنجي من نتن المجلس الذي لايذكر فيها الله ورسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم. 26_ أنها سبب لتمام الكلام الذي ابتدئ بحمدالله والصلاة على رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم. 27_ أنها سبب لوفور نور العبد على الصراط. 28_ أنه يخرج بها العبد عن الجفاء. 29_ أنها سبب لإبقاء الله سبحانه وتعالي الثناء الحسن على المصلي عليه بين أهل السماء والارض. 30_ أنها سبب للبركة في ذات المصلي وعمله وعمره وأسباب مصالحه. 31_ أنها سبب لنيل رحمة الله له. 32_ أنها سبب لدوام محبته للرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم وزيادتها وتضاعفها وذلك عقد عقود الايمان الذي لا يتم الا به. 33_ أنها سبب لمحبته صلى الله عليه وسلم للعبد. 34_ أنها سبب لهداية العبد وحياة قلبه. 35_ أنها سبب لعرض اسم المصلي عليه وذكره عنده وكفى بالعبد نبلا أن يذكر اسمه بين يدي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم. 36_ أنها سبب لتثبيت القدم على صراط والجواز عليه. 37_ أن الصلاة عليه صلى الله عليه وسلم أداء لأقل القليل من حقه. 38_ أنها متضمنة لذكر الله وشكره ومعرفه انعامه على عبيده بارساله. 39_ أن الصلاة عليه صلى الله عليه وسلم هي الدعاء ولاريب ان الله تعالى يحب ذلك ورسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم.
The benefits of prayer on the Prophet, peace be upon him . Oh God, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as you prayed to Abraham and the family of Abraham that you are praiseworthy and glorious, God bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as you blessed Ibrahim and the family of Abraham that you are praiseworthy and glorious. 1_ Compliance with the command of God Almighty by praying for him. 2_ The approval of his angels in it. 3_ The agreement of the Almighty to pray for him, even if the two prayers are different 4_ Obtaining ten prayers for the one who prays for him once. 5_ It raises ten degrees. 6_ He writes for him ten good deeds. 7_ It erases ten bad deeds from him. 8_ It is hoped that his supplication will be answered if he offers prayers for the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, in front of him. 9_ It is a reason for his intercession, may God bless him and grant him peace. 10_ It is a reason for sins to be forgiven. 11_ It is a reason for God's sufficiency of the servant's task. 12_ It is a reason for the servant's proximity to him, may God bless him and grant him peace, on the Day of Resurrection. 13_ It takes the place of charity for the one who is in difficulty. 14_ It is a reason to spend the needs. 15_ It is a reason for God's blessings upon the worshiper and the blessings of his angels upon him. 16_ It is zakat for the worshiper and purification for him. 17_ It is a reason for the servant to be preached about Paradise before his death. 18_ It is a reason to escape from the horrors of the Day of Resurrection. 19_ It is a reason for the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to respond to the one who is praying for him. 20_ It is a reason for the servant to remember what he has forgotten. 21_ It is a reason for the goodness of the assembly and that it will not return a heartbreak to its family on the Day of Resurrection. 22_ It is a reason to deny poverty. 23_ It denies the servant the name of miserliness if he prays for him when he, may God bless him and grant him peace, is mentioned. 24_ It throws its owner on the way to heaven. 25_ It saves from the stink of the gathering in which God and His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, are not mentioned. 26_ It is a reason for the completion of the speech that began with the praise of God and blessings upon His Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. 27_ It is the reason for the abundant light of the servant on the path. 28_ It removes the slave from estrangement. 29_ It is a reason for Allah, Glory be to Him, to preserve the good praise of the one who prays for him among the people of heaven and earth. 30_ It is a reason for blessing in the person who is praying, his work, his life, and the causes of his interests. 31_ It is a reason to obtain God's mercy for him. 32_ It is a reason for his continuous love for the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, and to increase and multiply it, and that is the contract of faith contracts that can only be completed by him. 33_ It is a reason for his love, may God bless him and grant him peace, to the servant. 34_ It is a reason for the guidance of the servant and the life of his heart. 35_ It is a reason for presenting the name of the worshiper to him and mentioning it to him. It is sufficient for the servant to mention his name before the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. 36_ It is a reason for fixing the foot on the path and permissibility on it. 37_ Prayers for him, may God bless him and grant him peace, fulfill the least of his right. 38_ It includes remembrance of God, thanking Him, and knowing His blessings upon His servants by sending Him. 39_ The prayer upon him, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is supplication, and there is no doubt that God Almighty loves that and His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace.
ابو خالد اليامي on Google

ماشاء الله تبارك الرحمن المسجد جاري حالياً ترميمه والمؤذن ماشاء الله صوته جميل يشبه صوت الشيخ الدوسري امام المسجد الحرام
Mashae Allah tabarak Allah The mosque is currently undergoing restoration The muezzin, God willing, has a beautiful voice, similar to that of Sheikh Al-Dosari, in front of the Grand Mosque
اعلاني الرياض on Google

مسجد داخل الحي ممتاز نظيف ودورة المياة نظيفه تحتاج عنايه اكثر لتراويح يصلي بالناس المؤذن على ماعتقد قراءته جميله صوته قريب من ياسر الدوسري جماعة المسجد طيبين يذكرونك بالزمن الجميل كانهم عائله وحده يسلمون على بعض ويسالون عن بعض .....
Mosque inside the neighborhood excellent clean and clean water cycle need more attention Taraawih pray to the people of the muezzin on the thought of reading beautiful his voice close to Yasser al - Dosari Mosque group Tayebin remind you of the beautiful time they are a family alone and handed over to some and ask for some .....
Fahad on Google

لمبتغي الخير ومحتسبي الأجر المسجد بحاجة الى فرشة جديدة
For those who want good and those who pay the wages, the mosque needs a new mattress
الموعظة الحسنة on Google

مشكلة المسجد المؤذن والإمام يتخلفون كثييرا عن المسجد .. إن لم تكن اهلا لحمل هذه الأمانة فدعها لمن هو اولى بها
The problem with the mosque is that the muezzin and the imam lag behind the mosque.
Sgt on Google

Mahbub Mohammad Anwar Al amin on Google

I used to come here for my TAHFEEZ classes
عزيز تويز 1 on Google


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