مركز بداية لصعوبات التواصل ( النطق واللغة) والبلع - An Narjis

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Contact مركز بداية لصعوبات التواصل ( النطق واللغة) والبلع

Address :

Abi Bakr As Siddiq Rd, An Narjis, Riyadh 13323, Saudi Arabia

Phone : 📞 +989
Postal code : 13323
Categories :

Abi Bakr As Siddiq Rd, An Narjis, Riyadh 13323, Saudi Arabia
Salem Alzahrani on Google

اتعامل مع مركز بداية من سنة، وللأمانة ما وجدنا منهم الا كل خير واحترافية وأمانة وصدق.. والأخوات المختصات يعاملون ويحرصون على الأطفال كأنهم أهلهم. وانصح وأوصي من يحتاجهم بزيارتهم والاستفادة من خدماتهم الراقية والاحترافية. I have been dealing with this center since a year, and honestly, we have found, full professionalism in services and sincerity in dealing.. and specialists treat and take care of children as if they were their family members. I highly recommend this center and would advise those who need their services to visit them and benefit from their wonderful services.
I have been dealing with the center for a year now, and to be honest, we have found nothing but goodness, professionalism, honesty, and honesty from them. The specialized sisters treat and take care of children as if they were their parents. I advise and recommend those who need them to visit them and take advantage of their high-end and professional services. I have been dealing with this center since a year, and honestly, we have found, full professionalism in services and sincerity in dealing.. and specialists treat and take care of children as if they were their family members. I highly recommend this center and would advise those who need their services to visit them and benefit from their wonderful services.
amany mohamed on Google

السلام عليكم مع حضراتكم الاخصائيه امانى محمد اخصائيه تخاطب وتعديل نطق وسلوك تعاملت مع معظم حالات التربيه الخاصه الجنسيع مصريه ويعطيكم العافيه
Hello With your honor, the specialist Amany Mohamed A speech and behavior modification specialist who has dealt with most special education cases The sex is Egyptian And give you comfort
Mohammed A on Google

مركز بداية لعلاج صعوبات النطق وعلاج مشاكلها مثل التأتأة والتلعثم المركز فيه اخصائيات يحاولوا باستخدام بعض المهارات والتكنيكات لعلاج مشاكل النطق يعيب المكان زحمة الكفيهات المجاورة وضيق المكان
Bedaya Center for the treatment of speech difficulties and treatment of problems such as stuttering and stuttering The center has female specialists trying to use some skills and techniques to treat speech problems The disadvantage of the place is the crowded surrounding cafes and the lack of space
Alaa - on Google

تعبت من كثر ما ادق عليكم ولا فيه اي رد .. مو معقولة لي فوق الشهر وانا احاول اتواصل معكم في اوقات مختلفة بس بدون اي جدو
I'm tired of a lot of checking on you and there is no response.. It is not reasonable for me over a month and I try to communicate with you at different times but without any success
Yousef Alodelih on Google

والله مصخرة! ماتردون ابد علينا؟ لي اكثر من اسبوع اتصل ومافيه رد ابد! والا ترجعون تتصلون! اقرأ الردود،، الجميع يشتكي من عدم الرد! وتقولون بنحل المشكلة! مصخرة * مصخرة
God is a rock! You never answer us? I have called for more than a week and no response! Otherwise, you will call back! Read the responses, everyone complains about the lack of response! You say we solve the problem! rock * rock
رهف S on Google

للاسف المركز عندهم استغلال مادي ما يسمحون تدفع كل جلسة بسعرها بل يلزمونك تدفع بالباكج واقل باكج عندهم عبارة عن ٤ جلسات ب١٦٠٠ فيه شرط غريب وهو اذا اعتذرت مرتين عن الموعد يحذفون لك جلسه ويروح عليه مبلغ الجلسه انا لو سحبت على الموعد بدون ما اعطيهم خبر صح معاهم حق انهم يلغونها لكن اذا كان تاجيل الموعد لظرف صحي ولدي كان مريض وتعبان يعني غصب ادفعي سعر بكج كامل واذا اعتذرتي واجلتي مرتين بنحذف عليك جلسه ولهذا الشرط خلاني اتردد اخذ بكج 12 جلسه واستغنيت عنهم ورحت لمركز ثاني الحرص على الجانب المادي ربحه سريع لكن يكون على المدى القصير بعكس اللي يتنافس بالخدمات اللي تنفع المريض تكون المكسب على المدى البعيد بالثقه والخدمه الجيده
Unfortunately, the center has financial exploitation They do not allow you to pay each session at its price, but they require you to pay with the package, and the lowest package they have is 4 sessions for 1600 There is a strange condition, which is that if you apologize twice for the appointment, they will delete a session for you and the amount of the session will go to it If I withdraw for the appointment without giving them a true news, they have the right to cancel it, but if the appointment was postponed due to a health condition and my son was sick and tired I mean, forcing you to pay the full price of the package, and if you apologize and postpone me twice, we will cancel a session for you For this condition, I was hesitant to take 12 sessions, and I gave up on them and went to a second place Paying attention to the financial aspect is a quick profit, but it is in the short term, unlike those who compete with services that benefit the patient. The long-term gain is due to trust and good service.
بديعة الحبابي on Google

مركز للأسف استغلال مادي بحت المفترض يكون مصلحة الطفل فوق اي اعتبار احضرنا طفل للتقييم للمرة الثانية حتى نستطيع معرفة التطور في حالته للأسف دفعنا ٦٠٠ ريال بدون نتيجة وتقرير الاخصائية بكل برود ترد لم استطع تقييم الطفل غير متجاوب ما اعرف !!!!!وين دورك في جذب الطفل والمحاولة للوصول لتقييم لحالته ؟لماذا لم تتيح فرصة اخرى من ضمن المبلغ المدفوع الذي دفعته لتقييم مستوى الطفل وفي النهايه خرجنا بلا نتيجة وبلا تقرير
Unfortunately, the center is a purely financial exploitation. The child’s interest is supposed to be above any consideration. We brought a child for evaluation for the second time so that we can know the development in his condition. Unfortunately, we paid 600 riyals without result. The specialist’s report was coldly answered. Attracting the child and trying to reach an assessment of his condition? Why did you not provide another opportunity within the amount you paid to assess the level of the child and in the end we came out without result and without a report
ka sa on Google

المركز فيه كوادر متخصصه ومميزة في مجال صعوبات النطق والتخاطب، بدايةً يقييمون حالة الطفل، وبعدها يسوون خطة وبرنامج تناسب الطفل، شكر كبير لهم لانهم ساعدو ابني على تصحيح مخارج الحروف وطريقة التخاطب، حتى سلوك ابني تعدلت، لانه اذا صار يعرف يتكلم وينطق بشكل صحيح سهل التعامل معاه، عادة الاطفال اللي عندهم صعوبات في النطق بكون طريقة التعبير عندهم هو البكاء، مع الوقت حسيت بتحسن ملحوظ وصار يفرق في الكلام بين المذكر والمؤنث وبين الجمع والمفرد والكلام في الماضي والحاضر والمستقبل، طرق كثيره ومتتعة في التعليم، شكر لجميع المعلمات وفريق الاستقبال. انا
The center has specialized and distinguished cadres in the field of speech and speech difficulties, first they assess the child’s condition, and then they formulate a plan and program that suits the child, a big thanks to them because they helped my son correct the letters and the way of speaking, even my son’s behavior changed, because if he knows how to speak and pronounce correctly it is easy Dealing with him, usually children who have difficulties in pronunciation because their way of expression is crying, with time I felt a noticeable improvement and began to differentiate in speech between masculine and feminine and between plural and singular and speech in the past, present and future, many and fun ways to teach, thanks to all the teachers and the reception team. I

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