مقبرة العمارية - QCX9+PWR مقبرة العمارية

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Contact مقبرة العمارية

Address :

QCX9+PWR مقبرة العمارية، العمارية 13934, Saudi Arabia

Postal code : 13934
Categories :

QCX9+PWR مقبرة العمارية، العمارية 13934, Saudi Arabia
إبراهيم عبدالله on Google

اللهم اغفر لهم وارحمهم ووالدي ووالديكم اجمعين
Oh God, forgive them and have mercy on them and my parents and your parents all
روووح ريحان on Google

اللهم لا تفتنا بعدهم اللهم ارحمهم اللهم اغفر لهم اللهم انزل على قبورهم الفسحة والضياء وارحمنا اللهم اذا صرنا إلى ماصاروا إليه
O Allah, do not destroy us after them, O Allah, have mercy on them. O Allah, forgive them. O Allah, bring down their graves and the heavens and our mercy.
ابو انس on Google

اقترح توفير شيول صغير مثل مقبرة المنصورية والشمال
It was suggested to provide a small shool, such as the Mansourieh cemetery and the north
خالد السبيعي on Google

اللهم اغفر و ارحم كل عزيز فقدناه و اصبح القبر داره، اللهم ارحم موتانا و وسع مدخلهم و انس وحشتهم برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين
Oh God, forgive and have mercy on all the dear ones we have lost and the grave has become his home. Oh God, have mercy on our dead and widen their entrance and forget their misery with your mercy, O Most Merciful

مقبرة كشخه للاغنياء فقط
A cemetery is for the rich only
The Revolutionist on Google

اللهم اغفر و ارحم كل عزيز فقدناه و اصبح القبر داره، اللهم ارحم موتانا و وسع مدخلهم و انس وحشتهم برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين (Translated by Google) Oh God, forgive and have mercy on all the dear ones we have lost and the grave has become his home. Oh God, have mercy on our dead and widen their entrance and forget their misery with your mercy, O Most Merciful
Oh God, forgive and have mercy on every dear one we have lost and the grave has become his home, may God have mercy on our dead and expand their entrance and forget their lives with your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful Oh God, forgive and have mercy on all the dear ones we have lost and the grave has become his home. Oh God, have mercy on our dead and widen their entrance and forget their misery with your mercy, O Most Merciful

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