Masjid Bani Haram - Al Fath

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Contact Masjid Bani Haram

Address :

Al Fath, Medina 42312, Saudi Arabia

Postal code : 42312
Categories :

Al Fath, Medina 42312, Saudi Arabia
Abdulrahman Othman on Google

Ashab ul Hak on Google

This is very good place for prayer
Abdul Majeed on Google

I want to know about the majid Please someone help me in English about this place
Alfa Alhajj on Google

I came to this place and near this area there is a hill where Rasul saw take a rest, on the hill there is a cave , I hope can come by tomorrow
Abdul Ali Iqbal on Google

Alhamdulillah have visited the blessed home of Sahabi Jabir Radiallah hu anho, now it is a masjid the wall opposite to masjid is marked and decorated to highlight the importance of this place. only thing that I would request because it is situated in middle of family area where people and familes are living please do not go there for photography or video graphy. the masjid opens for fardh salah only and if you are in madina than we all would like to have fardh salah inside haram so did not get a chance to offer nawafil in this blessed house. avoid taking cars there because there is no parking space and it will hurt the people living there the place is 17 min walk from Masjid Nabawi gate 7 also the place can not have large groups going there better to go individually and have ziyarat of this blessed place you can also walk to this point if you are comming back from saba Masjid area towards Masjid Nabawi. if you are maqami than please remember me in your prayers JazakAllah Ma Assalam.
Noor Allaah on Google

Masjid Bani Haram holds historical importance as it stands in the area where the clan of Bani Haram lived. This is also where the camps of the Muslims were based during the Battle of Ahzab (War of the Trench). The house of the Sahabi Jabir رضی الله عنہ was located here and the following miraculous event occurred at his house: During the digging of the trench, Jabir رضی الله عنہ noticed that the Prophet ﷺ was suffering from severe hunger. That evening. he asked his wife if she was able to cook a meal. She replied, “We have nothing but this small sheep and a measure of barley.” So he sacrificed the sheep, and the next day his wife roasted it and ground the barley and made some bread. When it was too dark to continue working, Jabir رضی الله عنہ secretly went to the Prophet ﷺ as he was leaving the trench and invited him to the meal of mutton and barley bread. “The Prophet ﷺ put his palm against mine”, said Jabir, “and knotted his fingers through my fingers. I wanted him to come alone, but he told a cryer to call out, ’Go with the messenger of God unto the house of Jabir. Respond, for Jabir invites you.’”. Jabir رضی الله عنہ uttered the verse which the faithful are recommended to utter at a moment of disaster: Verily we are for God,and verily unto Him are we returning. The Prophet ﷺ said to him, “Do not take the pot off the fire, and do not bake your dough until I come!”. You invite them or did he?”she asked. “No, he invited them,” replied Jabir. “Then let them come,” she responded,“for he knows best.” The meal was placed in front of the Prophet ﷺ who blessed it. He then took out some food from the pot and served his companions, keeping both the pot and the oven covered. There were ten sitting down with him, and when they had all eaten their fill they rose and went to their homes, making room for ten more, and so it went on until all the workers at the trench had satisfied their hunger. Amazingly there still remained some mutton and some bread. After everyone had eaten the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Eat and give to other people for they have suffered hunger!”. [Al-Bukhari].
Abu Riyan on Google

Its is situated in the mountains pass at the west of salaa Hill which today named as Al Ammaria district on seeh street behind the girls schools. The Miracle of Food producing by the hand of prophet s.a.w happened during the trench battle. Jabir R.A confided a secret to the prophet ﷺ that he prepared a food which would be enough for him and his people. The Prophet ﷺ called out "Oh people of Khandaq Jabir had prepared food come here" They entered with prophet ﷺ. They were 1000 people; they ate and left the remaining food for Jabir's family. Jabir R.A said "I swore by Allah that they ate till they satisfied and then left.Our Cooking pot was still boiling and our flour paste was still baking" Narrated In Sahih Al Bukhari.
Masum Khan on Google

Masjid Bani Haram holds historical importance as it stands in the area where the clan of Bani Haram lived. This is also where the camps of the Muslims were based during the Battle of Ahzab (War of the Trench). The house of the sahabi Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) was located here and the following miraculous event occurred at his house: During the digging of the trench, Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) noticed that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was suffering from severe hunger. That evening. he asked his wife if she was able to cook a meal. She replied, “We have nothing but this small sheep and a measure of barley.” So he sacrificed the sheep, and the next day his wife roasted it and ground the barley and made some bread.

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