Maktab 37 - 6764

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Contact Maktab 37

Address :

3189 Street 608, Al Mashair, 6764, Mecca 24248, Saudi Arabia

Postal code : 24248
Categories :

3189 Street 608, Al Mashair, 6764, Mecca 24248, Saudi Arabia
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Di maktab 37 kloter 65 rombongan 5 mabit di tenda ini selama akan melakukan lempar jumrah. Setelah sampai dari mudzdalifah kami melakukan lempar jumrah bada maghrib sebanyak 7 batu di jumrah aqobah. Keesokan hari kami melakukan lempar jumroh di 3 tempat lempar jumroh ula 7x, wusto 7x dan aqobah 7x. Sebelum sore kami sudah sampai tenda kembali lalu hujan turun di sertai angin. Tenda kami sempat kena angin namun alhamdulillah hanya bocor sedikit tidak roboh atau terbuka seperti tenda jamaah lain. Namun untuk informasi banjir di terowongan mina alhamdulillah tidak ada jamaah haji indonesia yang lempar jumrah di waktu itu. Lalu kami melakukan lempar jumrah ketiga setelah sholat subuh di 3 tempat lempar jumroh ula 7x, wusto 7x dan aqobah 7x. Dan keempat di malam hari nya kami melakukan lempar jumrah di 3 tempat lempar jumroh ula 7x, wusto 7x dan aqobah 7x. Pulang pergi perjalanan lempar jumrah melewati 2 terowongan mina dengan jarak keseluruhan pulang pergi 7 km atau waktu tempuhnya sekutar 4 jam. Sepanjang jalan kami melewati maktab jamaah lain dan banyak toko yang berjualan aneka makanan dan souvenir. Salah satu makanannya adalah chicken broost dan murtabecs. Di jalan pulang dari lempar jumrah banyak sekali kran air zam zam yang dingin dan segar. Jamaah bisa beristirahat sebentar untuk minum tapi tidak boleh berhenti lama atau jalan berlawanan arah. lalu jam 12 siang kami bersiap2 untuk kembali ke hotel kami di hotel 704 rawaby al shouraq. Selama di mina.. toilet tetap mengantri. Karena lebih banyak jamaah haji wanita toilet laki2 penuh terpakai oleh jamaah wanita. Namun banyak juga jamaah haji wanita yang menggunakan toilet wanita yang lebih tertutup. Toilet wanita ada 20 dan lebih adem karena tertutup atap. Sehingga antri lama tidak terasa panas. Selama di mina kami dapat makan 3x sehari dan dapur nya terdapat di depan pintu masuk maktab. Ac di tenda ini ac central dan paten sehingga tidak bisa di otak atik oleh jamaah dan udara dinginnya merata.
At the school of 37 flying 65 trunks of 5 were in this tent as they were about to throw a jumper. After arriving from mudzdalifah we threw a 7 mile bada jumrah at aqobah jumrah. The next day we did a total of 3 throw snakes 7x, wusto 7x and aqobah 7x. By the afternoon we had reached the tent again and it was raining in the wind. Our tent was windy but thankfully the leak was just a bit unlucky or open like other pilgrims. However for flood information in the tunnel thank God there were no Indonesian pilgrims thrown in at that time. Then we did the third jumper throw after dawn prayer in 3 places snake 7x, wusto 7x and aqobah 7x. And four times in the evening we did jumrah throws in 3 places snake 7x, wusto 7x and aqobah 7x. Take a jumper throw trip through 2 mines with a total commute of 7 km or a 4 hour round trip. Along the way we passed other congregation colleges and many shops selling a variety of food and souvenirs. One of the dishes is chicken broost and murtabecs. On the way home from the jungle throw there are a lot of cool, fresh water zam taps. The congregation can take a short break for a drink but cannot stop long or the opposite direction. then at noon we were ready to return to our hotel at 704 rawaby al shouraq hotel. During the mines .. the toilets lined up. Because more and more female pilgrims are full of toiletries used by women pilgrims. But many female pilgrims also use the women's restrooms. The women's restrooms are 20 and older because of the roof. So the old queues don't feel hot. During the day we ate 3x a day and the kitchen was in front of the college entrance. Ac in this tent is central and patent so it cannot be brainwashed by the pilgrims and the cold air evenly.

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