Khaled Ibn Al-Walid Mosque - XHJW+FF2 Khaled Ibn Al-Walid Mosque

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Khaled Ibn Al-Walid Mosque

Address :

الإمام الشيخ محمد بن مسعود بن هادي، Bisha Saudi Arabia

Categories :

الإمام الشيخ محمد بن مسعود بن هادي، Bisha Saudi Arabia
حمدان بن حالان العيسي on Google

اللهم ثبت قلوبنا على دينك وحب طاعاتك. كثر الله من امثاله / محمد مسعود الشهراني. امام المسجد. توافد اليه الناس من خشوع تلاوته والراحه النفسية الله يرحم والدينا ووالدية والمسلمين اجمعين
Oh God, prove our hearts to your religion and love of your obedience. God has multiplied his likes / Muhammad Masoud Al-Shahrani. In front of the mosque. People flocked to him out of the humility of his recitation and the psychological comfort, may God have mercy on our parents, parents and all Muslims
ابو خالد on Google

بيت من بيوت الله الجميلة قراءة الإمام وصوته جميل جدا نظافه تشعر بالخشوع بكل صراحة اللهم لك الحمد على نعمة الإسلام
House of the beautiful houses of God read the Imam and his voice is very beautiful cleaner feel reverence frankly Oh God, thank you for the blessing of Islam
Atheer Grne on Google

ولله العضيم اجمل مسجد دخلته لكن الحممات ماهي فخمه مثل فخامت المسجد المسجد مرتب منضم جميل جدا انا دخلت قسم الرجال لاننا كنا في سفر اما الحريم ما ادري
Allaah al-'Atim, the most beautiful mosque I entered, but the doves are as luxurious as the mosque. The mosque 's salary is very beautiful. I entered the men' s section because we were in travel.
abdul Kreem on Google

انظف مساجد المحافظة وعامل النظافة مهتم به وايضا المصلين. اعجبتني الجلسة في آخر المسجد.
The cleanest mosques in the province and the hygiene worker is interested in him, as well as the worshipers. I liked the session at the end of the mosque.
صالح االصالح on Google

ايش الهدف من تقييم المسجد ٠٠ اطلب تشجير ووضع كراسي خارجيه ٠٠ كما أرى هناك اولاد يدرسون تحفيظ للقرآن لدى معلمهم ٠٠ وهذا افرحني جدا ٠٠ وتخطيط المواقف ٠٠ وضع ماء السبيل عند الباب نسأل الله أن يتقبل ويغفر لأمة محمد اجمعين ٠٠امين
What is the purpose of evaluating the mosque 00 Asking for landscaping and placing outdoor chairs 00 As I see there are children studying memorization of the Qur’an at their teacher 00 and this makes me very happy 00 and planning the situations 00 Putting the water of the way at the door We ask Allah to accept and forgive the entire Ummah of Muhammad, Amen
Abul Kalam on Google

Good Mosque For Namaj
Siya Nasir on Google

Masha Allah. Nice Masjid. Peaceful location
Ahmad Alomari on Google

Not bad

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