Jabal Farwaa - W7H8+86V Jabal Farwaa

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Contact Jabal Farwaa

Address :

Al Jawwah 64576, Saudi Arabia

Postal code : 64576
Categories :

Al Jawwah 64576, Saudi Arabia
Tied Lion on Google

جبل فرواع أحد أعلى جبال السعودية، يقع في غرب مركز الحرجة بمنطقة عسير . ويبلغ ارتفاعه 3,004 م (9,856 قدم)
Farawa Mountain, one of the highest mountains in Saudi Arabia, is located in the west of Al-Harjah Center in the Asir region. It is 3,004 m (9,856 ft) high.
Osama MAS on Google

جبل شامخ يعتبر ثاني اعلى قمة في المملكة.. وقبل مدة قرأت انهم اكتشفوا انه اعلى من السودة بعد تحديد الارتفاع بشكل دقيق.. عموما قمة الجبل تتعدى ٣٠٠٠متر.. يستحق الزيارة لمن يحب الرحلات الخلوية على الاقدام..
A tall mountain is considered the second highest peak in the Kingdom .. A while ago, I read that they discovered that it was higher than the blackness after determining the exact height .. Generally, the mountain top exceeds 3000 meters .. It is worth a visit for those who love outdoor trips on foot ..
مفرح الحياني M.OF505 on Google

اعلى قمه في المملة العربية السعوديه
The highest peak in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Khalid AlBassami on Google

أعلا قمه بالمملكة بارتفاع فاق إرتفاع جبل السودة بمترين. يبلغ ارتفاعه ٣٠٠٩، بينما قمة السودة ٣٠٠٧م
The highest peak in the Kingdom is two meters higher than the height of Jabal Al-Soudah. Its height is 3,009 m, while the summit of Al-Soudah is 3,007 m
Jamal Kauro on Google

جبل في شمال تيماء و قبل ان تصل تبوك، الخدمات غير موجودة من حيث السياحة، مما يضطرك اللي قطع مسافات للحصول على ما تريد. الطريق غير معبد (غير مسفلت).
A mountain in the north of Tayma and before you reach Tabuk, services are not available in terms of tourism, which forces you to travel distances to get what you want. The road is unpaved (unpaved).
عبدالله الشهري on Google

جبل فرواع او كما يسميه اهله (ثرواع) يقال انه اعلى قمة في المملكة ولكن يحتاج زيارة من هيئة المساحة الجيولوجية لتحديد الارتفاع الدقيق وتوثيقه جبل تخلو منه الاشجار الا قليل و قمته غير مناسبة للتخييم بسبب الهواء الشديد وهو مطل على قرية (الجوة)
Mount Fara’a, or as its people call it (Tharwa’), is said to be the highest peak in the Kingdom, but it needs a visit from the Geological Survey to determine and document the exact height A mountain devoid of trees except for a few, and its summit is not suitable for camping due to the strong air, and it overlooks the village of (Al-Jawa)
Zaheer Ali on Google

Jabal Farwaa in known to be the highest mountain in Saudi Arabia as per an article I found few days back. It’s a good hiking experience to the top of the mountain. It’s cool even during this summer and very windy too. Unlike Jabal Soudha, Farwaa is a very plain mountain with pale green grass and very few trees. Camping is not recommended here as you don’t have any flat surface and also possibilities of wild animals.
Alexander Pettet on Google

Great hiking area, however this was a very natural undeveloped area, does anyone know why they are now building a dirt road and foundations near the top of the mountain. It would have been nice to preserve the natural beauty of the area.

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