Historic City FId - 4G7G+FH4 Historic City FId

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Contact Historic City FId

Address :

4G7G+FH4 Historic City FId، Fayd 53442, Saudi Arabia

Postal code : 53442
Categories :

4G7G+FH4 Historic City FId، Fayd 53442, Saudi Arabia
emy on Google

المكان جميل وتاريخي رائع لكن يحتاج ترميم واهتمام
The place is beautiful and historic, great but needs restoration and attention
تركي الشمري on Google

فيد.. تريخيه واثريه مزار سياحي.. تقع شرق مدينه حائل
Fed .. Trekhi and archeology, a tourist shrine, located east of the city of Hail
Yousef_tigo on Google

يحتاج الى تفاصيل اكثر
It needs more details
ا on Google

تعتبر فيد من المدن التاريخية القديمة، حيث تعود لعصر ما قبل الإسلام، وهناك دلائل أثرية مازالت باقية، من أهمها مجموعة من الرسوم الصخرية والنقوش والكتابات القديمة التي عُمِلت على واجهات الجبال المجاورة لمدينة فيد. بالإضافة إلى الآثار المعمارية التي تقع بالقرب من الجبال، وهي عبارة عن أساسات مبان ودوائر حجرية متنوعة الالشكال والأحجام.[2] أما في العصر الإسلامي المبكر فقد كسبت مدينة فيد شهرة واسعة لوقوعها على طريق الحج العراقي الذي يعرف بمسمى درب زبيدة، وقد كانت فيد من أهم المدن الإسلامية المبكرة الواقعة في منتصف الطريق بين الكوفة ومكة وقد ازدهرت خلال العصرين الأموي والعباسي. كما أنها كانت محطة للحجاج والمسافرين القادمين من العراق وبلاد فارس ليستريحوا بها ويتعاملوا مع أهلها ويتزودوا بما يحتاجون من أكل وشرب وتبادل المنافع الأخرى. ويستدل من آثارها الباقية أن مدينة فيد كانت من أهم المدن الإسلامية المبكرة في وسط شبه الجزيرة العربية، فقد تميزت بكبر مساحتها وامتداد عمرانها وتوفر مياهها ومراعيها. تمت الإشارة إلى مدينة فيد في العديد من كتب المؤرخين والجغرافيين وكتب الرحالة، حيث ذكروا بأنها محطة رئيسه للحجاج المسلمين القادمين من العراق وبلاد فارس في العصر الإسلامي المبكر. تقع في منتصف الطريق بين الكوفة ومكة المكرمة، كما إنها منطقة رعوية لقبيلة طيء وزعيمها زيد، فقد قال ابن إسحاق:[4] «وقدم على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وفد طيء، فيهم زيد الخيل، وهو سيدهم؛ فلما انتهوا إليه كلموه، وعرض عليهم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم الإسلام، فأسلموا، فحسن إسلامهم؛ وقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، كما حدثني من لا أتهم من رجال طيء؛ ما ذكر لي رجل من العرب بفضل، ثم جاءني، إلا رأيته دون ما يقال فيه، إلا زيد الخيل: فإنه لم يبلغ كل ما كان فيه، ثم سماه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم زيد الخير وقطع له فيداً وأرضين معه؛ وكتب له بذلك.» وقد جاء ذكر مدينة فيد عند البكري بقوله: «وأول من حفر فيه حفراً في الإسلام، أبو الدليم مولى يزيد بن عمر بن هبيرة، فاحتفر العين التي هي قائمة وأساحها، وغرس عليها...»، ويضيف كل من المقدسي وابن رسته والحموي، في تحديد المسافة بين الأجفر وفيد، بأنها نصف الطريق وفيها عين تجري ومنبر وأسواق وبرك وعيون جارية وفيها ينزل عامل الطريق. كما يعطي الحربي تفصيلاً أكثر بقوله: «وبفيد قصر للسلطان وبساتين وحصون بعضها خربه، ومسجد جامع ومنبر، وبها بركة مربعة، وثلاث عيون ومجموعة من الآبار». كما يذكر الطبري بأن مدينة فيد كان عليها خندق في عهد الخليفة العباسي أبي جعفر المنصور سنة 145 للهجرة. أما الرحالة المسلمين، ومنهم ابن جبير فقد قال عنها «...وهي حصن كبير مبرج مشرف في بسيط من الأرض يمتد حوله ببطن يطيف به سور عتيق البنيان... وبها أبار تمدها عيون تحت الأرض». كما ذكر ابن بطوطة معلومات مشابهة. بالإضافة إلى أن هناك عدد من الرحالة والباحثين الغربيين ممن اهتموا بمدينة فيد التاريخية، منهم ويليام بالغريف وهوبر وموسل، ومن المحدثين ونيت وزميله ريد الذين ذكرو معالم فيد الأثرية وجانب من تاريخها.[2]
Ved is one of the ancient historical cities, dating back to the pre-Islamic era. There are still archaeological signs, most important of which are a collection of rock paintings, inscriptions and ancient writings that worked on the facades of the mountains near the city of Ved. In addition to the architectural monuments located near the mountains, which are the foundations of buildings and stone circles of various shapes and sizes. [2] In the early Islamic period, the city of Feid gained wide fame for its involvement in the Iraqi pilgrimage route known as the Darb Zubaydah. It was one of the most important early Islamic cities located halfway between Kufa and Mecca and flourished during the Umayyad and Abbasid eras. It was also a station for pilgrims and travelers coming from Iraq and Persia to rest in it and deal with its people and provide what they need to eat, drink and share other benefits. The rest of the remains indicate that the city of Feid was one of the most important early Islamic cities in the middle of the Arabian Peninsula, it was characterized by large area and the extension of its ages and the availability of water and pastures. The city of Ved has been mentioned in many books of historians, geographers and traveler's books. They mentioned that it is a main station for Muslim pilgrims from Iraq and Persia in the early Islamic era. Located in the middle of the road between Kufa and Makkah, it is also a pastoral area of ​​the tribe of Tayeh and its leader Zaid, Ibn Ishaq said: [4] The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) I did not accuse the men of fasting; what a man of the Arabs told me thanks to, and then came to me, but I saw him without what is said in it, except Zayd horses: it did not reach everything that was in it, and then the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, With him; and wrote to him so. » The mention of the city of Ved at Bakri, saying: «The first digging holes in Islam, Abu Dulaim Moli Yazid ibn Umar ibn Hubira, Vtfr eye that is listed and Ihaha, and planted them ...», and adds both Al-Maqdisi and Ibn Rstah and Hamawi, in Determining the distance between Aljafr and Vid, as half way and in the eye of God and a platform and markets and ponds and eyes running in which the road worker down. Al-Harbi also gives more details, saying: "The palace of the Sultan and orchards and fortresses, some of which were destroyed, and a mosque and a mosque, and a square pool, three eyes and a group of wells." Al-Tabari also mentions that the city of Ved had a trench in the era of the Abbasid caliph Abu Jaafar al-Mansur in 145 AH. The Muslim traveler, including Ibn Jubayr, said about her «... a large fortified tower in a simple of the earth that extends around him in a thicket with an old wall of walls ... and with wells provided by the eyes under the ground». Ibn Battuta also mentioned similar information. In addition, there are a number of Western travelers and researchers interested in the historic city of Vide, including William Balgrave, Huber and Müssel, among the modernists, Niet and his colleague Reid who mentioned the ancient monuments of Ved and part of its history. [2]
سعد saad on Google

فيد هي مركز مهم في شبه الجزيرة العربية، وتعتبر منتصف طريق الحجاج القادمين من العراق، المدينة تاريخها يعود لما قبل الاسلام، وازدهرت في اوائل العصر الاسلامي، المكان مفتوح يمكنك زياته والاستمتاع بتأمل التاريخ القديم، كما يوجد اماكن كثيرة بجواره يمكنك التجول فيها بالسيارة.
Vid is an important center in the Arabian Peninsula, and it is considered the middle of the road for pilgrims coming from Iraq, the city has its history dating back to pre-Islamic times, and flourished in the early Islamic era, the place is open you can visit and enjoy contemplating ancient history, and there are many places near it that you can wander around by car.
Waseem Ahmad on Google

Not good

Ancient historic place
Abo Cry M on Google

Kharash Palace in the historical town of Faid (95 kms east of the city of Hail): In the past, Faid was well-known town because of its location at the mid-northern part of the Arabian Peninsula, The importance of Faid increased during the Umayya era then the Abbasia era because of its geographical location in the middle of the pilgrim and trade caravans route between Kufa, Iraq and Makkah until it became during Abbasia era one of the main stations of Zubayda trail across the north of the Arabian Peninsula, beside that, Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him, cut it off to Zaid Al-Khair Al-Ta'i (Zaid Al-Khail was his mid. name before prophet Moh. changed it to Alkhair when Zaid led a delegation from his tribe to pledge allegiance to the prophet in obedience and submission ..) Around 10 years ago, an underground archaeological town was discovered next to the town of Faid, it was built near by the southern edge of Faid rocky land; using the very tan Free Stone which turned along the years by Sun heat to the point of black, to build it, perhaps the availability of the stone, the direction of summer winds to north and its reversal to south during winter are some of the most prominent factors on which the location of the old city was chosen to be on the south periphery. According to the importance of the event, the archaeology and Museums Agency of the Saudi Ministry of Education paid great attention to it, so it excavated and discovered the rest of its features and its archaeological stock of ground furnaces, utensils, fortresses, castles, wells, pools, water channels, dwellings, fences, etc. An underground mosque, an eight-sided pool, and the Khrash Palace surrounded by two walls, a fortress and castles for observation and protection, as it is the largest historical palace discovered in the north of the Arabian Peninsula .. After the archaeology and Museums Agency excavated and excavated until it discovered the entire structure of the city using the latest equipment and techniques, the restoration of all features of the city with great precision and care, which has cost a lot of efforts and time for a couple of years. At the same time, a building named "Faid Historical City Archaeological Research and Excavation Centre" was erected near the site, to exhibit some collectibles, artifacts and photos of what had been discovered during the mission.

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