جامع البصر - Al Basr

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact جامع البصر

Address :

جامع البصر، 8116, Al Basr, Buraydah 52543, Saudi Arabia

Postal code : 52543
Website : https://www.moia.gov.sa/Pages/default.aspx
Categories :

جامع البصر، 8116, Al Basr, Buraydah 52543, Saudi Arabia
bndsh Band on Google

جامع نزوره تعبدا نرجوا رحمته ونخاف عقابه
A mosque we visit to worship, we hope for His mercy and fear His punishment
الحميدي الحربي on Google

ممتاز ويحتاج فاعل خير لترميمه
Excellent and needs a benefactor to repair it
عبدالمجيد الرسي on Google

ترميم المسجد وتجديده من الداخل ضرورة ملحة
Restoration and renovation of the mosque from the inside is an urgent necessity
صامل بن علي on Google

بيت من بيوت الله ما اجمل الوقت الذي تقضيه فيه تقبل الله من المصلين فيه صلاتهم ودعائهم وجزاء الله الجنة من قام ببناءه ومن صلى فيه
House of the houses of God How beautiful the time spent by the acceptance of God of worshipers prayers and prayers and the reward of God Paradise Who built it and prayed in it
Ebraheem AlHuzaimi on Google

تم تجديد المبنى بشكل كامل تقريبا ولكن الجامع يقع في مكان ضيق نسبياً
The building has been almost completely renovated But the mosque is located in a relatively narrow place
هشام ٍالمحيميد on Google

جامع الشيخ محمد المحيميد رحمه الله
Sheikh Muhammad Al Muhaimid Mosque, may God have mercy on him
أوس المحيميد on Google

اسال الله سبحانه وتعالى بمنه وكرمه مع كل رفعت اذان وسجده ساجد وتسبيحه مسبح أن يغفر لمن بناء هذا المسجد او ساهم فيه وان يرحمه رحمه واسعه و يرفع درجته في عليين ويجعله من اهل جنه الفردوس ووالديه وذريته واهل بيته ومن له حق عليه … وصلى الله وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد واله وصحبه ومن تبعه بإحسان إلى يوم الدين............
I ask God Almighty for His benevolence and generosity, with every prayer raised, prostrating and praising him praising him to forgive the one who built this mosque or contributed to it, and to have mercy on him and to raise his degree in two elites and make him one of the people of Paradise, his parents, his offspring, the people of his house, and those who have a right over him ... May Allah's blessings, peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions, and those who followed him with kindness until the Day of Judgment ............
Abdul Sh on Google

Good place

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