Asir Region Police - Guraiger

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Asir Region Police

Address :

Guraiger, Abha 62529, Saudi Arabia

Phone : 📞 +97
Postal code : 62529
Website :
Categories :

Guraiger, Abha 62529, Saudi Arabia
D- Fd30 on Google

يعني مع زحمة الجامعة طلعتوا لنا انتم
I mean, with the crowding of the university, you came to us
زمان الصمت on Google

سبق والتقيت بمدير شرطة عسير رجل مخلص ووفي للمنطقة يستمع للجميع
I previously met the Asir Police Chief, a loyal and loyal man to the region who listens to everyone
محمد on Google

مايردون على التلفون
What do they want on the phone?
نواف التميمي on Google

لايردون على المكالمة
They don't answer the call
Ssdf Rrtf on Google

انامااعرف شي عنه بس متى اوقات دوامهم
I don't know anything about him, but what are their working hours?
abdullah ali on Google

لا يردون على الاتصالات … والمعاملات تنام في دروج المكاتب واذا لم تتابع معاملتك حضوريا ضاعت مع الوقت .. حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
They do not respond to calls... and transactions sleep in the drawers of offices, and if you do not follow up your transaction in presence, it will be lost with time.. God suffices us and He is the best agent
Ahmad Qarze on Google

اتمنى من أمير عسير أن يغير جميع طاقم إدارة الشرطة لايردون على الاتصال ولا ينظرو في المعاملة
I hope that Amir Asir will change all the police department staff. They do not respond to the call and do not consider the transaction
Zolima Al Sh on Google

والله وتالله وبالله انه ظالم ظالم ظالم هو والرائد الشهراني اسال الله المولى الحي القيوم السميع البصير الذي لم يلد ولم يولد ان يظلمه في نفسه ولايسامحه ولايغفر له وان يبلاه بلاء في جسده وان يقهره قهر يخليه يبكي دم. انا عارف مااقدر اخذ حقي الا من رب الارباب سبحانه. شغل واسطات الله ينفيهم من وجه الارض وهم على ارذل اعمالهم
By God, by God, and by God, he is unjust, unjust, unjust, he and the Shahrani pioneer. I ask God, the Living Lord, the Eternal, the All-Knowing, the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, who was not begotten and was not born, to wrong him in himself and neither forgive nor forgive him, and to afflict him with affliction in his body, and to subdue him by oppression that makes him cry blood. I know I can only take my right from the Lord of lords, glory be to Him. The work of the intermediaries of God banishes them from the face of the earth, while they are on the most despicable of their deeds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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