الحي القديم بظهران الجنوب - MG65+V5C الحي القديم بظهران الجنوب

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Contact الحي القديم بظهران الجنوب

Address :

MG65+V5C الحي القديم بظهران الجنوب، Dhahran Al Janub 64261, Saudi Arabia

Postal code : 64261
Categories :

MG65+V5C الحي القديم بظهران الجنوب، Dhahran Al Janub 64261, Saudi Arabia
السالمي الحياني on Google

سالم القاضي on Google

حي مرتب وجميل
Nice and tidy neighborhood
عمار العنكي on Google

يحكي حياة السابقون لنا فيه
It tells the lives of our predecessors
ابو جمال الوادعي on Google

هذا هو حي ظهران الجنوب القديم وهو يقع في وسط محافظة ظهران الجنوب وتبعد عن الحدود السعودية مع دولة اليمن ما يقارب ال 20 كم تقريباً , ويتميز بموقعة على ضفاف وادي العرين أعرق أودية المنطقة ويحيط به سور على كامل القرية له ثلاثة أبواب , كل ركن من أركان هذهالحي يوجد به موقع حراسة يسمى (بالخارجة أو القصبة) يحرسون القرية من أي قوى قد تواجههم في سابق العصور , كما يجاور هذا الحي سوق ظهران الجنوب (سوق الخميس) وهو أشهر من نار على علم في بلاد وادعة وما جاورها بتنوع المحاصيل المحلية والمستوردة أيضاً من أهالي اليمن وغيرهم ممن يبحثون عن حاجاتهم المعيشية في هذا السوق بقصد التجارة والمنفعة . كما يتميز الحي بمسجده البسيط ذو الجدران المزخرفة والمكسوة بالنقوش القديمة التي تختلف أشكالها وأحجامها وهذه دلالة على حِرف وفنون قاطنيه من سابق العصور , ويجاوره بئر منحوتة بالصخر قد يتعجب ناظرها من صنيع من قاموا بنحتها بمسافة متراً ونصف في مثله وبعمق يزيد على ثلاثين متراً. وقد ذكر أحد المؤرخين في محافظة ظهران الجنوب الأديب محمد مهاوش الوادعي أنه في تاريخ الدولة السعودية الأولى تم توسعة هذا المسجد في تاريخ 1213 هـ ومن ثم تم توسعته في عهد الملك عبدالعزيز حينما أرسل جيشاً بقيادة الملك سعود رحمهم الله في عام 1353هـ وكان يرافقه آنذاك الأمير فيصل بن سعد بن عبدالرحمن والأمير عبدالله بن فيصل الفرحان والأمير خالد بن محمد بن عبدالرحمن حيث كان من بينهم اشخاص سكنوا واستقروا في هذا الحي , ولم تقتصر التوسعة على مسجد قرية الحوزة فحسب بل تم انشاء عدد من الغرف المجاورة للمسجد لزوار الحي من خارج المنطقة آنذاك . وذكر ابن مهاوش أنه تم وضع مركز أمارة ومركز شرطة وإدارة مالية وجمرك في داخل الحي في عهد المؤسس الى بداية عهد الملك خالد رحمهم الله ولا زالت هذه المنازل شامخة الى وقتنا الحالي , أما عن المراكز فقد تم نقلها في عهد الملك خالد الى مباني حديثه في الاحياء الجديدة بمحافظة ظهران الجنوب . ظهران الجنوب - محمد حسين الوادعي - عسير نيوز : - عسير نيوز : Old Quarter located in the south of Dhahran, south of the southern province of Dhahran and away from the Saudi border with the State of Yemen approximately 20 km, and is characterized by a location on the banks of the valley of the Areen, the most beautiful valleys of the area and surrounded by a fence on the entire village has three doors. The neighborhood is also bordered by Dhahran South Market (Souq al-Khamis). It is the most famous Market in the country and the surrounding area. It is also surrounded by local and imported crops from the people of Yemen and others who seek their living needs in this market for the purpose of trade and benefit. The neighborhood also features a simple mosque with walls decorated and decorated with ancient inscriptions with different shapes and sizes, and this is an indication of the character and arts of its inhabitants from the past ages. It is surrounded by a well carved with rock, whose landscape may be marveled by the work of those who carved it
This is Thahran south the old neighborhood, which is located in the center of Dhahran south province and away from the Saudi border with the state of Yemen, approximately 20 kilometers, and is characterized by location on the banks of Wadi Al Areen's oldest valleys of the region and is surrounded by a fence on the entire village has three doors, each corner of Hzhalehi with no guard called site (Baforeigp or trachea) guarding the village from any forces they may encounter in earlier times, and is adjacent to this neighborhood Thahran market south (Thursday market) a month from the fire on the flag in the country's complacent and around the diversity of local crops are also imported from Yemenis and others looking for their living needs in this market In order to trade and benefit. The neighborhood also features simple with ornate walls and covered with ancient inscriptions which are different shapes and sizes of his mosque This is an indication of a character and arts occupants of the earlier ages, and neighbored carved well rock may marvel at Nazerha of the facts of they Bnanha a distance meter and a half like depth of more than thirty meters. One historian has stated in Dhahran South Governorate writer Mohammed Mhawesh Wadi'i that in the history of the first Saudi state was this mosque expansion in the history of 1213 AH and then was expanded during the reign of King Abdul Aziz when he sent an army led by King Saud God have mercy on them in 1353 AH and was accompanied by the then Prince Faisal bin Saad bin Abdul Rahman and Prince Abdullah bin Faisal Al-Farhan and Prince Khalid bin Mohammed bin Abdulrahman, where he was among them people who lived and settled in this neighborhood, and the expansion of a mosque only village estate is limited but has been set up a number of neighboring mosque rooms for visitors to the neighborhood from outside the region at the time. According to Ibn Mhawesh that was developed Emirate center, police and financial management and customs within the neighborhood in the era of the founding to the beginning of the reign of King Khalid mercy of God and these houses are still proud to present time, but for the centers have been transferred in the reign of King Khalid to buildings Speaking in neighborhoods The new province of Dhahran south. Dhahran South - Mohammed Hussein Wadi'i - Asir News: - Asir News: Old Quarter located in the south of Dhahran, south of the southern province of Dhahran and away from the Saudi border with the State of Yemen approximately 20 km, and is characterized by a location on the banks of the valley of the Areen, the most beautiful valleys of the area and surrounded by a fence on the entire village has three doors. The neighborhood is also bordered by Dhahran South Market (Souq al-Khamis). It is the most famous market in the country and the surrounding area. It is also surrounded by local and imported crops from the people of Yemen and others who seek their living needs in this market for the purpose of trade and benefit. The neighborhood also features a simple mosque with walls decorated and decorated with ancient inscriptions with different shapes and sizes, and this is an indication of the character and arts of its inhabitants from the past ages. It is surrounded by a well carved with rock, whose landscape may be marveled by the work of those who carved it
ro_400 5 on Google

مكان رايق و حلو ??
Nice and sweet place ??
Omar Ahmad on Google

بيوت قديمة تم ترميمها وتستحق الزيارة شكراً لأهل المنطقة لإهتمامهم بتاريخهم والمحافظة على الأماكن التاريخية ،، لو كان فيه المزيد من اللوحات التعريفية او الشرخ لزادت الفائدة للزائر
Old homes that have been restored and well worth a visit Thanks to the people of the region for their interest in their history and the preservation of historical places. If there were more identification plates or cracks, the benefit for the visitor would have increased.
Abdullah Alwadai on Google

Arabic and English Information قلاع وحصون فريدة من طراز هندسي أخّاذ و قصور شامخة تزهو بتشييد عمراني مترابط مُشيدة بخامات البيئة , أعدادها تفوق المائة بيت، وتتنوع ارتفاعاتها حيث يصل بعضها إلى ستة أدوار من الطين بشكل معماري جميل وتُسقف بأخشاب السدر والشوحط ثم تسقف بالطين بشكل متماسك يمنع تسرب الماء لسنين عديدة . هذا هو حي ظهران الجنوب القديم (قرية الحوزة) كما هو مسماها الآخر وهي تقع في وسط محافظة ظهران الجنوب وتبعد عن الحدود السعودية مع دولة اليمن ما يقارب ال 20 كم تقريباً , ويتميز بموقعه على ضفاف وادي العرين أعرق أودية المنطقة ويحيط به سور على كامل القرية له ثلاثة أبواب , كل ركن من أركان هذه القرية يوجد به موقع حراسة يسمى (بالخارجة أو القصبة) يحرسون القرية من أي اعتداء قد يواجههم في سابق العصور , كما يجاور هذا الحي سوق ظهران الجنوب (سوق الخميس) وهو أشهر من نارٍ على علم في بلاد وادعة وما جاورها والذي يتميز بتنوع المحاصيل المحلية والمستوردة أيضاً من أهالي اليمن وغيرهم ممن يبحثون عن حاجاتهم المعيشية في هذا السوق بقصد التجارة والمنفعة . كما يتميز الحي بمسجده البسيط ذو الجدران المزخرفة والمكسوة بالنقوش القديمة التي تختلف أشكالها وأحجامها وهذه دلالة على حِرف وفنون قاطنيه من سابق العصور , ويجاوره بئر منحوتة بالصخر قد يتعجب ناظرها من صنيع من قاموا بنحتها بمسافة متراً ونصف في مثله وبعمق يزيد على ثلاثين متراً. وذكر ابن مهاوش أنه تم وضع مركز أمارة ومركز شرطة وإدارة مالية وجمرك في داخل الحي في عهد المؤسس الى بداية عهد الملك خالد رحمهم الله ولا زالت هذه المنازل شامخة الى وقتنا الحالي , أما عن المراكز فقد تم نقلها في عهد الملك خالد الى مباني حديثه في الاحياء الجديدة بمحافظة ظهران الجنوب . صحيفة عسير – سالم عروي Unique castles and forts of a striking engineering style and lofty palaces boasting an interconnected urban construction constructed with the raw materials of the environment, their numbers exceed a hundred houses, and their heights vary, as some of them reach six floors of mud with a beautiful architectural design and are roofed with sidr wood and sidewalks and then roofed with mud in a coherent way that prevents water leakage for many years . This is the old Dhahran Al-Janoub neighborhood (the village of Al-Hawza) as it is called by its other name. It is located in the center of Dhahran Al-Janoub governorate and is approximately 20 km away from the Saudi border with the State of Yemen. It has three gates, every corner of this village has a guard post called (Kharga or al-Kasbah) guarding the village from any assault that they may face in earlier times, and this neighborhood is also adjacent to the Dhahran al-Janoub market (Souq al-Khamis), which is the most famous And its surroundings, which is characterized by the diversity of local and imported crops, who are looking for their subsistence needs in this market for the purpose of trade and benefit. The neighborhood is also distinguished by its simple mosque with ornate walls and covered with ancient inscriptions that differ in shapes and sizes, and this is an indication of the crafts and arts of its inhabitants from earlier times, and it is adjacent to a well carved with rocks that may be surprised by the work of those who carved it by a distance of one and a half meters in the same and with a depth of more than thirty meters. Ibn Mahawish mentioned that an emirate center, a police station, a financial administration and customs were placed inside the neighborhood during the era of the founder until the beginning of the reign of King Khalid, may God have mercy on them, and these houses are still standing today. As for the centers, they were transferred during the reign of King Khalid to his modern buildings in the neighborhood Al Jadeeda, Dhahran Al Janoub Governorate. Asir newspaper - Salem Arwi
Arabic and English Information Unique castles and forts of a striking engineering style and lofty palaces that boast an interconnected urban construction constructed with the raw materials of the environment, their numbers exceed a hundred houses, and their heights vary, where some of them reach six floors of mud in a beautiful architectural style and are roofed with sidr wood and beaches and then roofed with mud in a coherent manner that prevents water leakage for many years . This is the old Dhahran Al-Janoub neighborhood (the village of Al-Hawza) as it is called by other name.It is located in the center of Dhahran Al-Janoub governorate and is approximately 20 km away from the Saudi border with the State of Yemen, and is distinguished by its location on the banks of the Al-Areen Valley, the oldest valley in the region and surrounded by a wall over the entire village It has three gates, every corner of this village has a guard post called (Kharga or al-Kasbah) guarding the village from any assault that they might face in earlier times, and this neighborhood is also adjacent to the Dhahran Al-Janoub Market (Souk Al-Khamis), which is the most famous of the fire on the flag in the country And its surroundings, which is characterized by the diversity of local and imported crops also from the people of Yemen and others who are looking for their subsistence needs in this market for the purpose of trade and benefit. The neighborhood is also distinguished by its simple mosque with ornate walls and covered with ancient inscriptions that differ in shapes and sizes, and this is an indication of the crafts and arts of its inhabitants from earlier ages, and it is adjacent to a well carved with rocks that may be surprised by the work of those who carved it by a distance of one and a half meters in the same and with a depth of more than thirty meters. Ibn Mahawish mentioned that the emirate center, police station, financial administration and customs station were placed inside the neighborhood during the era of the founder until the beginning of the reign of King Khalid, may God have mercy on them, and these houses are still standing today, as for the centers, they were moved during the reign of King Khalid to his modern buildings in the neighborhoods Al Jadeeda, Dhahran Al Janoub Governorate. Asir newspaper - Salem Arwi Unique castles and forts of a striking engineering style and lofty palaces boasting an interconnected urban construction constructed with the raw materials of the environment, their numbers exceed a hundred houses, and their heights vary, as some of them reach six floors of mud with a beautiful architectural design and are roofed with sidr wood and sidewalks and then roofed with mud in a coherent way that prevents water leakage for many years. This is the old Dhahran Al-Janoub neighborhood (the village of Al-Hawza) as it is called by its other name. It is located in the center of Dhahran Al-Janoub governorate and is approximately 20 km away from the Saudi border with the State of Yemen. It has three gates, every corner of this village has a guard post called (Kharga or al-Kasbah) guarding the village from any assault that they may face in earlier times, and this neighborhood is also adjacent to the Dhahran al-Janoub market ( Souq al-Khamis), which is the most famous And its surroundings, which is characterized by the diversity of local and imported crops, who are looking for their subsistence needs in this market for the purpose of trade and benefit. The neighborhood is also distinguished by its simple mosque with ornate walls and covered with ancient inscriptions that differ in shapes and sizes, and this is an indication of the crafts and arts of its inhabitants from earlier times, and it is adjacent to a well carved with rocks that may be surprised by the work of those who carved it by a distance of one and a half meters in the same and with a depth of more than thirty meters. Ibn Mahawish mentioned that an emirate center, a police station, a financial administration and customs were placed inside the neighborhood during the era of the founder until the beginning of the reign of King Khalid, may God have mercy on them, and these houses are still standing today. As for the centers, they were transferred during the reign of King Khalid to his modern buildings in the neighborhood Al Jadeeda, Dhahran Al Janoub Governorate. Asir newspaper - Salem Arwi
Fahad Alanazi on Google

مكان يجميل ياخذك الى زمن البساطه والفن المعماري النجراني الاصيل سعدنا بزياره الصديق الغالي عبدالله الوادعي في نجران وسنكرر الزياره طبعا
A beautiful place that takes you to the time of simplicity and authentic Najran architecture.

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