Al Sahaba Cemetery - 5766

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Contact Al Sahaba Cemetery

Address :

5766, الجبيلة 13935, Saudi Arabia

Postal code : 13935
Categories :

5766, الجبيلة 13935, Saudi Arabia
majed batais on Google

اسال الله ان يجمعنا بهم والنبيين والصديقين والشهداء والصالحين ووالدينا وحسن اولئك رفيق... تحية لابطال وقدوات الامة تحية لم سمع منادي الجهاد فلبى ...تحية لزمن الاتقياء الوفياء... قال سيف السنة السلفي: حمود بن عبد الله التويجري -رحمه الله الكبير العلي-: ومن القصص ما أخبرنا به الشيخ عبدالرحمن بن فارس بن عبدالعزيز الفارس وهو من سكان مدينة الرياض قال: جاء سيل عظيم في وادي حنيفة في سنة تسع وخمسين وثلاثمائة وألف من الهجرة فجرف الناحية التي تلي قبور الصحابة الذين قتلوا يوم اليمامة في سنة إحدى عشرة من الهجرة فحصلت فرجة في أحد القبور مما يلي الوادي وبدا جسد الميت الذي كان في ذلك القبر. قال الشيخ عبدالرحمن: فبلغني ذلك وأنا في ناحية الجبيلة فجئت مسرعاً فإذا موضع القبر مرتفع في جانب الوادي لا يوصل إليه إلا بسلّم. قال: فجئت بأخشاب وأسندتها إلى موضع القبر وصعدت عليها فرأيت الميت في قبره لم يتغير منه شيء وكأنه نائم, وقد كُفِّن في شملة بيضاء وربطت الشملة عليه بخوص النخل, وقد بدا وجهه وعيناه وأسنانه ورجلاه وخرجت عقيصة من عقائص رأسه طولها نحو ذراع فتدلت خارج القبر. قال: فرفعتها وأدخلتها في الكفن ووضعت يدي على صفحة وجهه وكأنما وضعتها على رجل نائم. قال: ووجهه أبيض يميل إلى السمرة, وما بدا من شعر لحيته فهو أشمط, وعيناه مفتوحتان قليلاً, وقد بقي الخوص الذي ربطت به الشملة على لونه أخضر إلا أنه يابس, قال: ولما علم به أهل الجبيلة ومن حولهم جعلوا يأتون إليه وينظرون إليه. فذهب إمام أهل الجبيلة ورئيس هيئة الأمر بالمعروف عندهم إلى الشيخ محمد بن إبراهيم آل الشيخ فأخبراه بذلك فأمرهما أن يأخذا معهما رجالاً ونعشاً يحملون الميت عليه, وأمرهم أن يحفروا له في الليل قبراً في وسط القبور ويدفنوه ويعموا موضع قبره لئلا يفتتن به الناس, ففعلوا. قال الشيخ حمود: لا شك أن هذا الميت من الشهداء الذين قتلوا في المعركة التي كانت بين الصحابة وبين أصحاب مسيلمة الكذاب. فيحتمل أنه من الصحابة – رضي الله عنهم – لأنه قد اشتهر عند الناس أن القبور التي في ذلك الموضع قبور الصحابة. ويحتمل أنه من الذين كانوا يقاتلون مع الصحابة وليس منهم. والاحتمال الأول أقرب, والله أعلم. وقد كان بين معركة اليمامة وبين ظهور هذا الميت ألف وثلاثمائة وثمان وأربعون سنة. ومع هذه المدة الطويلة فقد بقي الشهيد على حاله لم يتغير منه شيء ولم يتغير كفنه ولا الخوص الذي ربط به الكفن, وفي هذا عبرة لأولي الألباب والعقول السليمة. (قصص العقوبات والعبر والمواعظ للشيخ حمود التويجري رحمه الله ص١١٢)
I ask God to bring us together with them, the prophets, the two friends, the martyrs, the righteous, our parents, and the goodness of those companions ... Greetings to the heroes and role models of the Ummah. A greeting I have not heard the caller of jihad, but he is a greeting to the time of loyal pious ... Saif al-Sunnah al-Salafi said: Hammoud bin Abdullah Al-Tuwaijri - May God Almighty have mercy on him -: And from the stories he told us Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Faris bin Abdulaziz Al-Faris, a resident of the city of Riyadh, said: A great torrent came in Wadi Hanifa in In the eleventh year of the Hijra, the area that followed the graves of the Companions who were killed on the Day of Yamamah was swept away in the eleventh year of the Hijra, and a gap occurred in one of the graves following the valley, and the body of the dead who was in that grave appeared. Sheikh Abdul-Rahman said: So he informed me of this while I was in the Jubaila side, so I came quickly, and if the grave's position was high on the side of the valley, it could only be reached by a ladder. He said: I came with wood and propped it to the place of the grave and went up on it, and I saw the dead in his grave, nothing changed from him as if he was sleeping, and he was shrouded in a white blanket and the companion was tied on it with palm trees, and his face, eyes, teeth and feet appeared, and Akisat came out of his head, the length of which was about an arm, and it hung outside the grave. He said: I lifted it up and put it in the shroud and placed my hand on the page of his face, as if I had placed it on a sleeping man. He said: His face is white and tends to be tan, and what appears from the hair of his beard is blunt. His eyes are slightly open, and the wicker to which the sandal was attached remained green except that it was crusty. So the imam of the people of Jubaila and the head of the Promotion of Virtue Authority went to them Sheikh Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al Al-Sheikh told him that, so he ordered them to take men and a coffin with them to carry the dead on, and he ordered them to dig for him a grave in the middle of the graves and bury him and blind the place of his grave so that people would not be tempted by him, so they did. Sheikh Hammoud said: There is no doubt that this dead person was among the martyrs who were killed in the battle that took place between the Companions and the liars of Musaylimah. It is possible that he is one of the Companions - may God be pleased with them - because it has been known to people that the graves in that place are the graves of the Companions. And it is possible that he was from those who were fighting with the Companions and not among them. The first possibility is closer, and God knows best. And there was between the battle of Yamama and the appearance of this dead one thousand three hundred and forty-eight years. With this long period, the martyr remained unchanged, nothing changed from him, neither his shroud nor the wicker with which the shroud was tied, and this is a lesson for those with sound minds and hearts. (Stories of punishments, lessons, and exhortations by Sheikh Hammoud Al-Tuwaijri, may God have mercy on him, p. 112)
M S on Google

الله يرحم مهيني ابن مدعث المليحي السبيعي
ابن عرار on Google

استشهد في اليمامة ألف ومائتا شهيد منهم زيد بن الخطاب والطفيل بن عمرووأبو دجانة وسالم مولى أبي حذيفة و ابي حذيفة وعبد الله بن سهيل وغيرهم كثير من كبار الصحابة والله اعلم ان الشهداء دفنوا في مقابر الشهداء الشمالية والجنوبية وان الصحابة دفنوا في هذه المقبرة لذلك سميت باسمهم رضي الله عنهم أجمعين وجمعنا بهم في دار كرامته.
A thousand and two hundred martyrs were martyred in Al-Yamamah, including Zaid bin Al-Khattab, Al-Tafil bin Amr, Abu Dujana, Salem, the freed slave of Abu Hudhaifa, Abu Hudhaifa, Abdullah bin Suhail, and many other senior companions. And God knows that the martyrs were buried in the northern and southern cemeteries of the martyrs and that the companions were buried in this cemetery, so it was named after their name Radhi God is on behalf of them all and we gathered them in the abode of his dignity.
Mujeeb Rahman on Google

Matyrs of Yamama battle
Imran Khan on Google

Very historical 'but unfortunately unknown place. Little details about this cemetery is available on internet.
MGR RUH on Google

There are two separate cemeteries as can be seen in the pictures. Maqbarah Jubailah Qadimiyah (Old Jubailah Cemetery) and Shuhadah Yamamah (Martyrs of Yamamah). Remains of some very old mud houses in the vicinity. Hope somebody can share more history. Amazing Place.
Fahd Hassan on Google

You gotta go there really. Can't access the actual grave sight but indeed the place where the battle was fought. the old mud castle where musalima beat his retreat and was in slaughtered at the hands of advancing Muslims under Khalid bin Al Waleed has been fenced, but it's there to see. Small peaceful town, so quiet, but if you can sense history of this place, it's hauntingly special.
Irfan Hussain on Google

Beautiful place and quite peaceful. Masjid near south graveyard is small and beautiful. Worth a visit especially for the people living in Riyadh.

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