Al Khudairi Grand Mosque - Al Worod

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Al Khudairi Grand Mosque

Address :

طريق الملك خالد، Al Worod, Buraydah 52385, Saudi Arabia

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 52385
Categories :

طريق الملك خالد، Al Worod, Buraydah 52385, Saudi Arabia
Terra magnus on Google

قراءة الإمام جميلة
Imam beautiful reading
BaDr AlTaMiMi on Google

جامع نظيف ومرتب وكذلك دخول وخروج المصلين بنسيابية ولكن ازمة المواقف للأسف لازلنا بالعصر 2020ومواقف مساجد صلوات الجمع مأساة على المصلين باكراً..تقبل الله منا ومنكم الطاعات و صالح الاعمال وجزى الله من بناه او ساهم في ذلك جزيل الشكر والله يجعله في ميزان حسناتهم امين...تم اليوم توزيع ماء سبيل في الجامع ..فجزاهم خير ..وهل وزارة الأوقاف والشؤون الإسلامية سمحت بذلك ..احد أممة المساجد في حي الأفق أفاد بأن المنع لا زال ساري ?،،خطبة اليوم الجمعه 23/5/1442هجري كانت جميلة وتذكير وتنبيه ووعيد لإنسان المسرف على نفسه وأن الحياة سباق وفرص وجهاد وووووووو وتذكير وتنبيه الانسان المسلم بحقيقة الحياة وأنها طريق عبور إلى الاخره ..الله يحسن خاتمتنا جميعا وتقبل الله من الجميع الطاعات ? اللهم امين يارب العالمين ? A clean and tidy collector, as well as the entry and exit of worshipers in a proportional way, but unfortunately the attitudes crisis, we are still in the era of 2020, and the positions of the mosques for Friday prayers are a tragedy for the worshipers early..May God accept from us and from you obedience and good deeds. Today, water was distributed in the mosque ... so reward them well ... and did the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs allow that ... Today's sermon, Friday 5/23/1442 AH, was beautiful and a reminder, warning, and warning to a person who spends on himself, and that life is a race, opportunity and jihad, wooooooo, and a reminder and alerting the Muslim man to the truth of life and that it is a way of crossing to the afterlife .. God improves our end and God accepts all obedience الط Oh God Worlds ?
A clean and tidy mosque, as well as the entry and exit of worshipers in a proportional way, but unfortunately we are still in the era of 2020, and the positions of the mosques for Friday prayers are a tragedy for the worshipers early ... Today, water was distributed in the mosque ... they were rewarded well ... and did the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs allow that ... One of the mosques in the Al-Ofuq neighborhood reported that the prohibition is still in effect ?, Today's sermon, Friday 5/23/1442 AH And a promise to a person who spends on himself, and that life is a race, opportunity, jihad, wooooooo, a reminder and warning to the Muslim man of the truth of life and that it is a path of crossing to the afterlife..May God bless us all and accept obedience from all. A clean and tidy collector, as well as the entry and exit of worshipers in a proportional way, but unfortunately the attitudes crisis, we are still in the era of 2020, and the positions of the mosques for Friday prayers are a tragedy for the worshipers early..May God accept from us and from you obedience and good deeds. Today, water was distributed in the mosque ... so reward them well ... and did the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs allow that ... Today's sermon, Friday 5/23/1442 AH, was beautiful and a reminder, warning, and warning to a person who spends on himself, and that life is a race, opportunity and jihad, wooooooo, and a reminder and alerting the Muslim man to the truth of life and that it is a way of crossing to the afterlife .. God improves our end and God accepts all obedience, Oh God Worlds ?
عبد الله وليد on Google

جامع مميز اولا بأخلاق إمامه وصوته وتلاوته الرائعه ما شاء الله تبارك الله . والعامل حق المسجد لا يتواني لحظه عن نظافة المسجد وترتيبه
A distinguished mosque first with the morals of its imam and his wonderful voice and recitation, God willing, may God bless you. And the worker who is the right of the mosque does not hesitate for a moment about the cleanliness and arrangement of the mosque
جمشت on Google

ماشاء الله جزا الله القائمين عليه خير الجزاء
Masha Allah, may Allah reward those responsible for it
كمال محمود on Google

الحمد لله.. لقد تم ترميم الجامع بعد ان حصل حريق لهذا الجامع على نحو ممتاز لكامل الجزء الداخلي ولقى قبول كل جماعة الجامع..جزاه الله كل خير للمتبرع ..وجعل هذا العمل بميزان. حسناته هو والقائمين والمتعاونين والعاملين الذين ساهمو بانجاز هذا العمل..
Praise be to God .. The mosque was restored after a fire occurred to this mosque in an excellent way for the entire interior and received the acceptance of all the community of the mosque..God rewarded him with all the best for the donor ... and made this work a balance. Its advantages are those of the caretakers, collaborators, and workers who contributed to accomplishing this work.
Handsome Guy on Google

Loved it
Sharafali Chokly on Google

Good masjid
Sherif Fathy on Google

Good emam sound

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