Al Bir Mosque - Al Rawabi

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Al Bir Mosque

Address :

طريق عثمان بن عفان، Al Rawabi, Unayzah 56218, Saudi Arabia

Postal code : 56218
Categories :

طريق عثمان بن عفان، Al Rawabi, Unayzah 56218, Saudi Arabia
roh on Google

ماشاء الله تبارك الله صوت الآذان جداً جميل
God bless you, the sound of the call to prayer is very beautiful
Hamdy Mansour on Google

الله يجزى الجنة من قام ببناء هذا المسجد الجميل
God will reward Paradise who built this beautiful mosque
Ali Saleh on Google

الله يكتب اجر من بنى المسجد ويجعله في موازين حسناته إن المساجد لله فلا تدعوا مع الله احدا
God writes the reward of those who built the mosque and puts it in the balance of its good deeds The mosques are for God, do not invite anyone with God
Waleed s Salman on Google

احب المسجد هذا مرتبط عندي بتراويح رمضان صوت الامام جميل وخاشع....❤️
I love the mosque this is linked to Taraweeh Ramadan Imam voice beautiful and humbled .... ❤️
Doctor Adel on Google

بيت من بيوت الله سبحانه وتعالى. اللهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.
A house from the houses of God Almighty. O Allah, bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions as a whole.
Walid Obaidullah on Google

رحم الله من بناه وأسكنه جنات النعيم
May God have mercy on those who built it and make him dwell in the gardens of bliss
Saleh Ali on Google

مسجد رائع جميل ونظيف جدا
Wonderful beautiful mosque, very clean

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