Abdullah bin Abbas Cemetery - Al Salamah

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Abdullah bin Abbas Cemetery

Address :

Al Salamah, Taif 26511, Saudi Arabia

Phone : 📞 +97777
Postal code : 26511
Opening hours :
Monday 9PM–6AM
Tuesday 9PM–6AM
Wednesday 9PM–6AM
Thursday 9PM–6AM
Friday 9PM–6AM
Saturday 9PM–6AM
Sunday 9PM–6AM
Categories :

Al Salamah, Taif 26511, Saudi Arabia
Hani Ahmed on Google

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ( يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ ارْجِعِي إِلَى رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَرْضِيَّةً فَادْخُلِي فِي عِبَادِي وَادْخُلِي جَنَّتِي ) صدق الله العظيم لم ولن اجد اسمي من كلام الله عز جعل كـ بداية ومستهل لحديثنا اليوم ، وحديثنا اليوم عن الدعاء للميت ، ولكن علينا ذكر بعض الاشياء الهامه قبل التحدث عن اشهر الادعيه للميت ، ان لله اماناته وودائعه ، ونحن فى هذا الدنيا ملك لله عز وجل ، فإن استعدى الله امانته فلا يجب علينا البكاء والعويل ، فمن منا يذهب الى الله ، الى الرفقه الحسنة والى الدار الحق ، يمكننا ان نحزن للفرق ، يمكننا ان نشتاق للعزيز المفارق ، ولكن لا يجب ابدا البكاء وشق الجيوب واللطم وكل هذه الاشياء الغير مرغوبة بل والتى تضر وتؤرق الميت فى قبره ، ولكن علينا اهداءه ما ينير قبره ويفرغ عنه وحدته ويشتت ظلامه ، ان نرسل اليه اشواقنا عن طريق دعائنا له وطلب الرحمة من الرحيم سبحانه وتعالى له .
In the name of of Allah the Merciful (Oh you, the rest assured person, return to your Lord, contented and contented, and enter into My servants and enter my paradise) Great truth of God I did not and I will not find my name from the words of God Almighty made as a beginning and beginning of our talk today, and our talk today about supplication for the dead, but we must mention some important things before talking about the most famous supplications for the dead, that God has his trusts and deposits, and we in this world belong to God Almighty, if I prepare God is his trust, we do not have to cry and wail, so who among us goes to God, to good companionship and to the righteous house, we can grieve for the difference, we can long for the dear separator, but we should never cry and break the pockets and slapping and all these unwanted things that even harm and disturb the dead In his grave, but we have to present him with what illuminates his grave and empties his unity and intimidation His darkness continues, that we send him our longing for him through our prayers for him and the request of mercy from the Most Merciful, Glory be to Him.
بندر الغامدي on Google

بيوتنا الحقيقية التي تعمر بالعمل الصالح اللهم ارحم من دفن فيها من عبادك المؤمنين ونورها عليهم برحمتك وفضلك يا أرحم الراحمين وارحمنا اذا فارقنا هذه الحياة الدنيا ووالدينا وجميع المسلمين آمين .
Our real homes that endure good deeds Oh God, have mercy on those who were buried in it of your faithful servants, and enlighten them with your mercy and grace, O Most Merciful and Compassionate, and have mercy on us if we leave this worldly life, our parents, and all Muslims, Amen.
hamad alqurashi on Google

اللهم اغفر للمؤمنين والمؤمنات الأحياء منهم والأموات المسكن الأبدي للإنسان. والآخرة خير وأبقى اللهم صلّ وسلم على نبينا محمد ماذكره الذاكرون وغفل عنه الغافلون
Oh God, forgive the believers, men and women living and dead The eternal abode of man. The Hereafter is better and more lasting May God’s peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad what the rememberers mentioned and the heedless neglected
Yousef Sher on Google

اللهم اغفر لهم وارحمهم وعافهم واعف عنهم واكرم نزلهم ووسع مدخلهم واغسلهم بالماء والثلج والبرد ونقهم من الخطايا كما ينقى الثوب الابيض من الدنس
Oh God, forgive them and have mercy on them and pardon them and pardon them and honor their homes and expand their entrance and wash them with water, snow and hail and purify them from sins as a white garment is purified of filth
Khalid الزهراني on Google

‏اللهم ارحم من ارهقنا الشوق إليهم بعد رحيلهم عنا... ‏اللهم ارحم كل روح غالية تحت الثرى. ‏اللهم ارحم أرواحا لا تعوض ولا تولد مرة أخرى.. ‏اللهم ارحم ضحكات لاتنسى.. ‏اللهم ارحم من عشنا معهم أجمل السنين.. ‏وهزنا إليهم الحنين?
Oh God, have mercy on those longing for us after they left us ... Oh God, have mercy on every precious soul under the riches. Oh God, have mercy on souls that are irreplaceable and not born again .. Oh God, have the most memorable laughs .. Oh God, have mercy on those who lived with them the most beautiful years .. We shook nostalgia for them
M. Hanif on Google

mahamed ibrahim on Google

Mashallah Holy place.
Sufi Design World on Google

May Allah accept your efforts!!!!

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